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TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by devaitis

  1. Thanks for "fast" feedback.

    If Felipe said something was

    quite solid

    he meant it :) This is what I've learnt* from studying

    "How do you review? Do you consider your criteria responsible?"

    thread. Thank you Felipe for thoroughly review, excellent and modeling feedback.

    @Keith Really? Very interesting dude. Bass line, what are you doin when one doesn't exist on the original track?

  2. I'm always reading something like these here...

    Why do you ALL think that there's only "one or two techniques you're doing wrong" that turns a song "hard to sing"?

    Can you just considere that maybe you're not doing the basic as it should be?

    I see many of you trying to sing loud, in a higher pitch or agressive... Can you sing "Yesterday" (Beatles) in a decent rendition, for example?

    I can sing Show me how to live as easy as I breath. But I don't just wake up and decided "I'll sing this". There was more than 15y of hard training IN CLASSES 'til I get there.

    Excellent repost here. Rep point for that.

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