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Owen Korzec

TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Owen Korzec

  1. Owen: Sounds interesting... You have any idea on how to do it? :)

    What he did was just make a facebook event page asking people to vote for him on the competition, added a second admin, they both invited all their friends, and naturally, their friends being supportive, they got a bunch of people to vote.

    I think part of why it worked so well is that facebook events send out a notification to everybody invited.

    There might have been more strategy to it, I don't know, but from what I can tell that's basically what it came down to.

  2. You are singing in the wrong key the entire time dude.

    I would recommend not trying to continue exclusively self-teaching or learning from youtube vids or a forum, because with where you're at now, with that approach your progress will be too slow and it will probably take years before you become a good singer. If you're passionate about this you'll want to invest in proper training to speed up your progress so at the very least you can sort out the basics as fast as possible and get to a point where you can sing to people and they'll enjoy it and you can enjoy it. I highly recommend taking some skype lessons with Phil Moufarrege (he's the most bang-for-the-buck vocal coach available) and he'll help you sort out these issues probably as fast as humanly possible so you can learn your fundamentals and get singing...check this out

  3. No one is "just not made for singing" except the people who chose not to be singers. It's not the voice you start with that matters as much as the drive to develop it. Obviously you want to keep singing, so do that. Take your already good voice (I am surprised you even dislike it, seriously?????) and develop it through practice. There is always room for improvement.

    There were some minor pitch issues and your tone is a bit dull but those things will sort themselves out over time and training. I think that's what you were hearing that's bugging you. I don't hear a bad voice, I hear a good voice that hasn't been trained yet. I can hear that in the sound that you have a good natural starting point, and the minor issues with it and very typical of beginners. My voice was like that around your age too.

    What you need to work on most I think is creating more of a buzz/ring/ping/shimmer tonality in your voice, to replace the breathiness you have now.

    It takes time and usually a combination of bunch of lessons with a great vocal teacher and imitating your favorite singers (especially the ones with this quality in their voice...check out singers with a strong "ee" vowel, those folks have it...study them and imitate) and just plain singing a lot, to achieve that quality, but if you train diligently it will come.

  4. It sounds good but you shouldn't have to tense your breathing muscles that much. Singing should never be as difficult as weightlifting. I don't sing opera but I haven't heard anyone talk about its support technique being so outrageously hard. It is physical for sure but not THAT physical. There are some good things here though in terms of the sonic result so see if you can try to produce that same sound in an easier way.

    Ultimately you really should find a vocal teacher though. If not locally you could do Skype lessons with a teacher that offers them. But most singers never get over the confusion if they try to learn singing entirely on their own. I've tried it and the results were horrible, if anything they made my voice worse. I wouldn't recommend it...actually training with a teacher brings much better results and helps you understand how to practice better.

  5. You have potential, but like most beginners your singing needs a bit of work before it will start to sound good throughout the whole song. I would recommend studying with a good vocal teacher.

    Right now your range is that of a baritone, but that is probably not your true vocal range because you need more training. After training I think you will discover that you're actually a tenor.

  6. Good start. Tone is pretty good, technique is pretty good. The only critique I have is pitch. Listen to how you start your phrases versus how they are in the original, you're starting at lower pitches. Starting it lower would sound fine if you did it intentionally for effect on a pitch that works, but you're not doing it consistently here, it sounds like you're either not paying attention to the first pitch or your voice is having trouble finding the pitch right away. So I'd recommend listening to the original for reference and working on fixing those starting pitches. To help you out a bit, the second "look" at about 0:04 - that was the correct pitch to start with every time that melody comes up.

    And overall pay more attention to pitch in general since there were a few other pitchy spots. But if you just practice more and listen closely I think they will go away. Listen closely to both yourself, record yourself and listen back, and also listen to the original version.

    You're already good enough to sing in public in casual situations, for friends or whatever. People will like it, you have a nice voice. But some people are going to expect to hear better pitch than what you have now, so I'd recommend working on that. Once you get that down it will make a huge difference and at that point I think pretty much everybody will think you sound great.

    Good luck and have fun singing! :)

  7. I like this a lot. Wow. How soon after the old one did you record this? You made some really quick and great improvements.

    Right now the only issues I hear are some minor pronunciation problems (it's most noticeable on the word "breathe") and tiny pitch issues here and there, mostly around the note D4, the lowest note in the chorus.

    But overall this sounds way better on so many levels. Your tone sound balanced, you're easily navigating the high notes, and there's a new level of emotion and intensity in this that I didn't hear in your previous covers.

    Great job! :)

  8. Here's an idea. Instead of trying to reach for the high note, isolate the phrase and take it apart. Figure out the best possible way you can produce the high note and the best possible way you can produce the low note, in a way that makes them sound and feel as similar as possible. Then you just connect the dots the best you can.

    But the key is to stop singing the entire damn song. You need to reeeeaaally pick apart the tough phrases, and the more you isolate and fix the exact things that need work the faster and better it will come together

    I think. It seems to work best that way for me.

    An example. One of my songs has a really hard chorus and I noticed I kept pushing on these quick F#'s at the end of the line on the vowel ee and going flat. I didn't want to have to flip into head voice there, so the obvious solution was to just make the chest note slightly more mixed. So I just worked on the exact note, two of them to be precise, an F# on the word "see" and and an F# on the word "breeze" and just tried to reduce all the effort and spontaneously reach the pitch and make it feel as easy as speaking. After working on that I discovered I could add a little cry, go brighter on the sound and almost slightly nasal, modify slightly to ih, throw them in a placement way up and back, and I started being able to hit them without pushing. I still need to drill that into my muscle memory better but on that particular day I did that little surgical fixing there were noticeable improvements within a half hour or so.

    It can get that detailed, working on individual interval jumps or a single note or whatever.

  9. I think the old way was better, it had enough power, at least for my taste, and allowed you to navigate that range easier. But it's also worth noting the new tone was better. And I think it's a better starting point to find an easy way to sing and then tweak the tone of that. Rather than trying to get a great tone in a way that makes it harder to sing.

    As for effects I think Keith is talking about the reverb. There is a little bit too much. The other effects were fine.

  10. Peronsally I don't think this was much of an improvement. There were some things you did better and some you didn't. Yes, your tone is better, but it's making you sing heavier and struggle on the high notes. I think that you were already on the right track with your first two covers. It may have been nasal but you were singing the high notes easily and with good power, so your technique was probably at a better starting point. Then again I am not an expert.

    I would recommend sending an email to Felipe Carvalho from this forum with links to your covers of this and ask him which he thinks is the best starting point and what you should work on training to get better. The reason I'd recommend consulting him is because his voice is not too different from yours (in terms of range, weight, overall approach), and he made his own cover of Iris that was fantastic, so he'd probably be able to give you great help on how to refine your sound to sing this song better.

    Good luck. All of your Iris covers have been good, so whatever you do next, you can be confident that, whether it's a big improvement or small, it will probably be good too. :)

  11. Sounds fine to me. I'm pretty sure your big high notes are healthy. It wavered on the pitch a tad which means it could use a little more tweaking to make the technique even more efficient and stable, but on the whole I think you're on the right track, for that particularly yelly sound.

    Great job on the rest of the song too. This is ready for performance. If you haven't already been performing it yet, definitely put it in your set.

  12. Sounds great!

    Your voice sounds a little different than it usual does here. I dont know the reason, you probably would. But whatever it is I like it, it fits this song well.

    Love the little tonal change at 2:32. I'm curious, were you in full control of that or did that just kinda happen by itself? Also love the distortion at 7:02 and how it bloomed out of a clean oo...made it more unexpected. Very cool effect.

    Would be nice to hear the full ending. But I can understand why some have chosen to leave it out. I'd imagine it is not easy to do.

    Anyways, again, great job. :)

  13. You must have better system than me Owen, as having anything open for me when using the sequencer causes problems, you will see even from the vids I upload that an upgrade is badly needed

    Oh it causes problems but i don't know how it would affect an export...I don't think the same things show up when exporting. But still...best practice is to keep other programs closed, so do it.

    Definitely not the reason for the sound of the a5 though

  14. MDEW is right...it is a rather odd mix. Put the vocal in the center, (almost) always. Effects in stereo on mono, not just on one side, again almost always. There are no rules in mixing but there are standards and vocal up the center is a big one

    I didn't hear anything autotuney about the high a's whatsoever...

    Maybe Rob is thinking pitch shifted? Indeed when you sing that high it may sound like a bit like the chipmunk effect since the vocal tract has to narrow and move the formants higher so much

    My critique on yours jonathan would actually just be it simply sounds too close to the original. Same notes same tone same timing, generally. You could have made it your own more. Of course for a DP tribute band people would love it but if your objective was to establish your own identity in this cover you could have done better on that IMO. Ina technical level fantastic job though.

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