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Posts posted by forest_gimp

  1. One year ago, I posted an attempt at singing this song to get some advices.

    I have kept on practising it until i think it would be interesting to post it here again.


    Some passages aren't perfectly adjusted and I have experienced latency issues with audacity, i am reaching for a better sound card.

    Tell me honestly if it starts to sound convincing on the high notes. I have tried to follow Rob's advice (on Child in time) about biting more on the twanger.

    Any tip and comment to make me improve this song will be much appreciated!

  2. I was actually by chance studying in Montpellier one year ago and i discovered I was living just near the place where Olivier is giving his singing courses. This was a total coincidence as I wanted at this time to extend and reinforce my head voice and there was a guy two blocks from house who basically was THE man who could teach me how to proceed :cool:.

    It took me only a few sessions with him to hit really high notes and starting to hit them consistently. I remember one day another teacher from iefar rushed in and told Olivier that he was doubting he could hit a high C in chest voice. He actually did it, and very comfortably. Then, he did the same note, in head voice. Honestly, both sounded really great, and quite close.

    And yeah, his Led Zepplin tributes are totally awesome!

  3. Forest you version of 'child of time' , good effort... on the 2nd scream sequence... bite down on the twanger.. you need more compression... squeeze more... on the 3rd scream sequence... you just have give it hell... use glottal attacks.

    Thank you for the imput Robert. I will work up on it. I have already made great progress thanks to TVS teacher Olivier Tronquet with who I have taken several classes aimed at developing head resonance.

    Regarding your version, I was quite impressed by the overtones you get on your screams. I have heard a lot of distorsions as i like to listen to hard rock and heavy metal, but it seems you achieve to produce overtones one octave higher from the pitch. Usually, false vocal fold distorsion produces a second tonality one octave lower.

    I was about to think that you overloaded your mic to produce this sound, but if this is all produced in your vocal tract, then yeah, I have no idea about how you have achieved it.

  4. Yeah, all these versions are quite intimidating, I especially liked Felipe version, very bright and always on pitch.

    I post here my own version, but I must warn you I do not have the technical level of most singers there. I have seriously practised singing two years ago, so I am trying to sing the song correctly before trying to interprete it my own way.

    Hope you guys can tell me how i could improve it!

    Maybe this will encourage other people to post their own!


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