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TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Teodur

  1. I second what Keith said about getting "depth". You should absolutely try to emulate how he sings, the guy is a beast, I'd take his ability to sing any day. The slower part at around 3 min is the best place to start. Roy's resonance is huge there. I can tell you lack proper support there, because of how "wobbly" your vibrato is and a lack of resonance.

    The chorus is no cake, I listened to some live clips, even he isn't consistent and strains from time to time. This song is a monster to tackle for your current ability IMO. Find the resonance in your chest voice first!

    Oh god, I hope someone agrees with me, I'm not a qualified singing coach! :P

  2. Hi Cody, let me tell ya, you made the right choice to post your singing clips here. I was terrified when I first submitted my first recordings. But they weren't of songs. They were mostly examples from lessons. I had no singing lessons prior to that, just a whole bunch of singing sites and programs that I tried to learn from. The guys on the forum really helped me with their advices on what I should improve on. Took me like 6 months to finally record my first cover and subject it to criticism here.

    So my advice would be, start from the basics, like

    a singing instructor would be an obvious choice, but if you don't have that option, any basic vocal program or youtube channel will do wonders, do the exercises, then post them in the technique section.

    At least that's how I approached it.

    Oh and, you're gonna need a quality mic sooner or later if you're serious about singing. Got my Rode M1 on sale, for like 90 bucks.

  3. Hey guys, I finally got myself a decent mic (Rode M1), and quickly recorded something to try it out. Now I'm a complete noob at recording so I tried to make the sound as pleasing to the ears as possible considering my limited knowledge. This was a 3rd take, didn't bother ironing it out, mostly because I don't know how. :D Criticism is desired and welcome!


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