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Everything posted by mr-leonor99

  1. I REALLY like your tone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. yes at some points, I think you should practice vibrato, because it will make it easier for you to switch between different notes, because that is the problem that I've found in your singing, when their is to much notes, you start losing pitch here is an exemple : sing a C for 1sec right after that switch to a D, then C but for less time then D C D C D C D C D C D C D C D CD CD CD CD CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD and you'll get to vibrato
  3. yes and thanks a lot man ! after all, why would I post a recording if I don't get reviews that will show me my weaknesses ? I will surely work on it
  4. @ronws : oh man that's the kindest thing anyone has told me in my hole life ! cause I really began to lose hope on my voice, I was telling myself that I'm just not made for this... wow thanks a lot ! @tommy yes I've got that problem, but, you know, the only time I talk english is when I sing, even our second language where I live is french, english is the third one lol, and I've got the nasality problem that I always try to avoid till I see the doctor, and that surely affects my pronunciation, I hope that the doctor will remove this shit from my nose
  5. lol, if I don't give it that volume and support I crack xD, and I don't control yet perfectly the support thanks man and sorry for your ears :p
  6. here is a new recording, the guitar isn't lound, but there is always some mistakes, I just can't make a perfect one lol I'm always fighting the nasality and I forget about the pronunciation, and the nasal sound is always their, as I said, only a doctor can help me, so here it is : http://picosong.com/wtwd/ this is the last time I sing this song, ****ing depressing and what do you think of the A4 ? thanks for the help :)
  7. thanks bro, I'll try t o do it again, for the nasality, its an organic problem, some shit I have in the nose, I will see the doctor to fix it, I also think that it doesn't allow me to sing the way I want, as you know, pushing the sound to the nasal cavities is suggested for the mixed voice, I always avoid that, and keep the sound in my throat(thats how I feel) to avoide the nasal sound, I'm so nasal when I let myself go lol I hope that the doctor will fix it, and I'll make a new record
  8. yes on the F4 and G4, and the A4 that I've done in falsetto, thats because I'm in an appartement, so I can't give it more volume, I'm always worried if the neighbours are hearing me
  9. a warm voice I enjoyed that, keep it up, I can't give you advices cause I need it to their is no voice that isn't worth strengthening, only training, will, and environement counts(I say environment cause for exemple me, I can't train the way I want cause I live in an appartement, with my parents so I feel like in a cage and I don't sing with all my potential^^) the only advice I can give you is : never give up, sing for yourself not for the world, do it for fun
  10. thanks, do you think I use support ? I've read about it and I trained, but I have no teacher so I can't tell if I got it right or no and what do you mean by annunciation ? do I have to improve my english ? pronounciation ?
  11. I like your voice, but I think you should try to sing more loudly and with more confidence, and try to use support, just keep it up, train, and you will get better(I'm not saying that you're bad), but your voice can be much more beautifull, try a singing method like the complete vocal technique from catherine sadoline cheers
  12. new cover with more support on the high notes : http://picosong.com/wtwd/ previous cover with less support on the high notes : http://picosong.com/wxuv/ here is me singing creep from radiohead, I'd appreciate some advices, I'm I using support ? what should I improve ?
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