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Everything posted by ThatGuy44

  1. Oh yeah I'd like to add, that is my natural tone basically. I do have a deep voice so my range is lower then many.
  2. Hey thank you to everyone who has posted so far with your remarks. I'm not one to back away from criticism, and as a novice at all this, it's only going to make me better. I will admit after playback I probably am copying the original to artist and never found a true identity for myself. Also I will defiantly check out those videos!
  3. Hey everyone, I'm just going to start off by saying I've never really gone far or really gone for signing. However, recently it has really started to interest me. Anyways I have this video of myself singing part of Nickleback How You Remind Me with no music. So you guys can get a real feel for the actual voice. Any constructive criticism is appreciated. Hope it's not too bad:
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