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  1. Hey guys, made a new tune and I would like some feedback. Still a rough idea but I think it got something. http://d.pr/a/msy5 Enjoy! Let me know what you think .
  2. Well it doesn't have to be the exact same mic that I have ^^. The best thing would be that you test out a couple of mics before you buy one, so you know which one goes with your voice. I think you'll need one that picks up more highs then lows. Just ask the sales guy to help you find the right mic! And there are cheap mics with good quality for a homestudio.
  3. If you want to sing and let people hear it, maybe you should consider a usb microphone. You will be amazed about the quality (with some mastering). It wont be the same as a mic thats plugged into an audio interface but it will be a lot better then the one you are using now. Check out my topic with some of my stuff in it. I use a Yeti mic from Blue which is pretty cheap. But I feel that I could use a better mic with an audio interface.
  4. Thank you for the kind words . What I ment with incomplete is that the songs only have a chorus in it. I want to have a couples of verses in there as well. The ultimate goal for me is to be able to create a song with lyrics that I'm able to preform as well. In order to do that I would need verses where my voice is solo. But I'm afraid to put my voice solo because for me it doesn't sound that great. Maybe I should just try to record something where I only use 1 track for the vocals, so you could hear how I really sound ^^. As for my producing skills, I still have a lot to learn (also about singing!). But I think I'm on the right track . (And I'm not using autotune ^^. I do love pitching my vocals and putting some effects on it.)
  5. I have the same advice ^^. I did that for a girl once and she loved it!
  6. Hey guys! I'm a 24 year old guy from Belgium and I'm new here ^^. I've been making music for a couple of years now but not as frequent as I do now. I do it for fun so I don't take it that seriously, but I would like to get some feedback from people that I don't know. I let my friends hear it but it's not the same as the feedback from a total stranger ^^. So I would like to know what you guys think! The thing is that I can't seem to finish a song. After a while I run out of lyrics and then I don't know what to do. Anyway, you can still listen to my voice and tell me what you think of it . I don't know if the genre will fit in here. It's more of an R&B-ish style (or at least I try to). To be honest, I don't know what genre it is . As I said before, everything is incomplete. Some parts will be looped etc. http://d.pr/a/UYbr http://d.pr/a/hWfi http://d.pr/a/PCeE I'm using droplr to let people hear my music because I don't want to spread it around to much. Please let me know what you think! Be honest, but be gentle .
  7. You do seem to have something in your voice that sounds like him. You should check out The Weeknd, and especially his Dirty Diana cover. Your voice made me think of him, and for me he's like the new MJ ^^. What kind of mic are you using to record?
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