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Posts posted by Bashful

  1. If you want to sing and let people hear it, maybe you should consider a usb microphone. You will be amazed about the quality (with some mastering). It wont be the same as a mic thats plugged into an audio interface but it will be a lot better then the one you are using now.

    Check out my topic with some of my stuff in it. I use a Yeti mic from Blue which is pretty cheap. But I feel that I could use a better mic with an audio interface.

  2. Thank you for the kind words :).

    What I ment with incomplete is that the songs only have a chorus in it. I want to have a couples of verses in there as well. The ultimate goal for me is to be able to create a song with lyrics that I'm able to preform as well.

    In order to do that I would need verses where my voice is solo. But I'm afraid to put my voice solo because for me it doesn't sound that great.

    Maybe I should just try to record something where I only use 1 track for the vocals, so you could hear how I really sound ^^.

    As for my producing skills, I still have a lot to learn (also about singing!). But I think I'm on the right track :).

    (And I'm not using autotune ^^. I do love pitching my vocals and putting some effects on it.)

  3. Hey guys! I'm a 24 year old guy from Belgium and I'm new here ^^. I've been making music for a couple of years now but not as frequent as I do now. I do it for fun so I don't take it that seriously, but I would like to get some feedback from people that I don't know. I let my friends hear it but it's not the same as the feedback from a total stranger ^^. So I would like to know what you guys think!

    The thing is that I can't seem to finish a song. After a while I run out of lyrics and then I don't know what to do. Anyway, you can still listen to my voice and tell me what you think of it .

    I don't know if the genre will fit in here. It's more of an R&B-ish style (or at least I try to). To be honest, I don't know what genre it is :).

    As I said before, everything is incomplete. Some parts will be looped etc.




    I'm using droplr to let people hear my music because I don't want to spread it around to much.

    Please let me know what you think! Be honest, but be gentle :).

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