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Everything posted by guitarersingist

  1. great job! This is onr of the songs my band covers the most, and I wish we could do it as well as you Not to undermine the quality of this, but what did you use to edit your voice? it sounds slightly edited
  2. Thanks for the feedback; glad you like it. If I ever get around to it, I'll post an entire song on here, guitars and all.
  3. Hey guys, I wanted to post another vocal sample on here to make sure I'm completely satisfied with how my singing sounds. This is a cover of Green Day. My only personal complaint is that I was trying to sound too much like Billie Joe, but that was more or less accidental Anyway, I would like this to be taken at a high level, because I have been singing in a band for a while now and want to make sure I really have what it takes. Thanks for listening. https://soundcloud.com/guitarersingist/chump-a-capella-demo
  4. I haven't heard the original to compare this to, but it seems like you achieved the effect you were looking for. I could imagine this sort of groaning singing going really badly, but I like the calmness and serenity of your version. If oyu are planing on studio singing, I think a slight echo or reverb effect would make this sound way richer. This singing would go well with indie music as well.
  5. Thanks for the feedback and compliment! I've always sorta had trouble getting that "crunch" to my voice that punk often entails, so it's good that it seems like it's working :P
  6. Yeah, I have a drummer, bassist, and 2nd guitarist, but I wanted to focus mainly on my vox for this recording. And you're right, I guess he just didn't like the genre (he's more of the "pretty" singing type)
  7. Thank you! I have received some "cringe-worthy" feedback from one of my friends (they cringed when they heard it ) s oI wanted to get a second opinion.
  8. wow, I haven't heard the original song, and I would have thought THIS was the original if I hadn't seen this thread! great job.
  9. This is a hard song to sing, and you hit the high notes pretty well. You had a nice soul to your voice. My only critique is that it came off a little whiney/nasally at parts, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. You definitely had nice expression.
  10. Hey guys, this is my first post here. I am in a pop punk band as one of the lead singers/guitarist. Turns out I'm not as god a singer as I thought I was, so I want to make sure my vocals aren't cringe-worthy or embarrassing. My biggest problem is that sometimes my singing sounds just like talking to me, if you know what I mean. Anyway, here's a crappy phone recording of me playing and singing Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy (I made a few mistakes on guitar... whatever ) I have been singing for a while, so I want this to be taken as a moderately high-level critique. Thank you for listening. https://soundcloud.com/guitarersingist/grand-theft-autumn-demo
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