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Posts posted by thematrixiam

  1. On 10/31/2017 at 1:32 PM, SwedishSinger said:

    I did another take. Is it too early to play it live?



    The balance seems off on vocals.
    Sounds like you're too breathy or struggling to add volume. 
    It's never to early to play live. Just play live in a safe area. Where rejection is okay. And the people around you will support you. 
    I've done open mic a bunch. I've been terrible. But I was surrounded by friends, so it didn't matter.

  2. 4 hours ago, aravindmadis said:

    You can learn a great deal of music by yourself without formal coaching, but you will never know until you take another person's opinion.  To all of us, especially singers, we always sound good.  A good teacher can add a lot of value.  Value comes from interaction, from a teacher being not emotionally invested and thereby being able to see flaws, from just having a different point of view possibly from coming from a different school of learning.  

    You can never become really good until you invest time, energy and money.  For mediocrity, you have the internet and all the "free" material!! 

    I sound horrible. lol.

    Teachers are great for feedback and direction. Especially when they can direct you in areas you need to go. When we do things ourselves we tend to not really have a clue where to go. 


  3. Oh.
    Back to the Khan academy.
    All of it's videos are free.
    It also has student profiles, tracks learning and has a reward system. 
    It does offer some music lessons as well for free. But not much. I think this is because it is more geared towards math and such. 
    Meaning, something that offers music lessons on video, has a reward system, is free, and makes over a million dollars a year already exists.

  4. From my understanding, pokemon go is still free. and is always free.
    You pay to make your life easier in the game.
    Not sure on their business model, but I am sure you can look it up.
    The concept that gets people addicted to Pokeman go/world of warcraft/ etc is the reward system. It's this addiction that gets people to pay for things that they already get for free. 

    You can try to download the app if you don't believe that it is free.
    And You can easily look up how much money they made. 
    It's not like I am lying about that.
    And no, Pokemon go doesn't make money with advertising, to my knowledge.

    The concept is called free-to-play

  5. Not sure you follow me.

    What I am saying is the way of the future for most if not all things is to provide things online, and online for free or really cheap. Simply because of logic. That is, if it can be offered online for free, then the only thing stopping it from being offered online for free is that no one has done it yet.

    Several games used to be pay per month, and have converted to free to play. Now you can find free to play games everywhere. In reality, these are pay for extra systems. You're paying to either have fluffy things that are not usable but set you aside from someone else, or you are paying to do things faster than others.

    There are also just plain 100% free things. Anything that loses it's copyright, for example. Abandonware, or books. That's all free.

    I can put things onto youtube for free, or any other platform. This allows others to see what I am saying for free. 

    The problem with uploading things for free is that people don't have the drive. They don't see the point. Youtube makes it too hard to make money. 

    There is also the pay for one, free for everyone method. That's the perfectly legal method of a person buying a book, reading it, and then rewriting it or uploading videos that use the concepts and materials within the book. This of course is limited by drive.

    As soon as someone figures out on how to get free labour to make stuff to give to people for free, but still make money, then you will see it happen more. (that already happens with youtube, but not good enough)



    Draven said
    Quote: "But to say you're serious about singing and only looking for free tips, there's a disconnect."

    No, I am serious about logic. So serious, that I will discuss all avenues of a concept whether or not I actually care about doing it. 

    Meaning, I care more about the logic of that concept.

    Meaning... No, I paid for singing lessons online,  I am paying for professional training, and I am buying singing books as well. 


    Draven said
    You'll never be paid to sing, and you don't have a set plan (or choosing not to make one)? To me, that says you're not serious about singing. Learning to sing, perhaps, but not to the point you want to make a career out of it. You're choosing not to do so, for whatever reason that may be."

    I am serious about time and logic and effort made.

    I know how to get from A to B... Being a professional singer is step Z43221.c5 

    There is a "disconnect" between step A and step Z43221.c5 . In my mind I can not see a clear path. That said, I can see other clear paths and steps that need to be done before I get there. 

    I do not see the point in saying I will make it to Mars. I very well could, but there is no point in lying to myself or others. When I see that mars is a few blocks away, then I could say "ya, I'll make it to mars". But until I can see that it is in my sights, there is no point in lying. That's just setting oneself up for failure.

    That doesn't mean a person can't try to do better. 

    If I am on a straight road. My house is at the very start. and your house is at the very end. I can tell you right now that I will never make it to your house on foot. Not even by car. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling you're quite a bit of a way away from me.  That said, I could tell you that I could easily drive on the road and drive forward. Nothing hard about that. Every hour, every day that I drive on the road I will get closer to your house. But it doesn't mean I am going to say I am going to go there until it makes sense that I would. Even if I were to drive up to the front of your house, you still have the whole other side of it... I now made it all the way there; physically I am at your house. But why on earth would you ever let me in? I am some random guy you never heard of that just drove half way across two countries to your door. you'd be a fool to let me in.

    That's what singing as a professional is.

    Which is why, I don't say that I am going to sing as a professional. 

    It would make more sense to find the right people first. and know that I would have an in. Even with a map, I can't just get there.


  6. It all depends on frame of reference. 
    Some people can pay a monthly fee for martial arts and go as much as they want in the week for it.
    Singing lessons are typically charged by the half hour. 
    I, for example, must work one hour to pay for one half hour of singing lessons. 

    Singing lessons are very different from other forms of lessons. There is also no grade system, other than maybe royal conservatory.

    If I were to take swimming lessons there is a set out flow that I need to be able to do before progressing to the next level. There is a direct connection between what is being taught and what a person is achieving. 

    You need to be able to swim x amount of lengths, tread water for x amount of time, et cetera. 

    From Sept to december I can pay 70$ to put my child in for 30 min swimming lessons.  for 10 lessons. So, that's 7$ per lesson.

    That lay out is set to have my child learn a set skill. I know that the teacher will aim to teach them that skill and they can come out with a badge or paper, or something similar to say that they have now achieved this. 

    I haven't been to a lot of singing lessons, but I find most of them are "not a school" and "student directed". Which basically means the student chooses where to go and the teacher has no promised direction. Not saying all are like this, only the ones I have experienced.

    26$ to pay someone that day one tells me they have no plan, tells me I need to tell them what to teach me, and plays audio clips from their computer or simpler warmups than I use, you can see how I would think it was a waste of money. This is largely because I don't know what to expect, and the teacher never told me that he has lots of awesome information to provide me if I would just visit him for 52 weeks and pay them $1,352 a year for what he has to offer me with his years of expertise. 

    The hidden thing is that the teacher may well be able to make someone the next big hit. Odds of them actually becoming a next big hit are next to none. But they might be able to sing good. Just like I might be able to swim good, but it being my dream, it will not make me into an olympic swimmer. How many Olympians get chosen every four years? 

    The cool thing with the internet is that stuff becomes free. And software is available. Which means people value teacher assisted lessons even less. Why pay more when you can get it for free.

    It only takes one kind heart to upload everything they have learnt about singing for free to make it available to the world for free.
    It only takes one not for profit organization to make music software that can analyse the voice and detect notes, harmonies, etc. I am sure that it could even be programed to determine if a person is using their voices correctly because software can already pick up all the colours and the harmonies. 
    Some simple programming, and then releasing it to the public.
    Then have crowd sourced programming for player data saving analysing. This would allow for lessons to be geared towards a student. A computer never forgets. Never sleeps. Never gets tired. Never gets angry. A computer can create a lesson that adapts and changes to how a person is doing with difficulty and attention. Meaning it could be set to reward the student and have them ready willing and able to learn how to sing for 4 hours a day.

    Four hours at 365 days a year = 1460 hours.
    or, 2920 half hour lessons. 
    Or, @ $26 per half hour lesson.  $75,920 per year.

    Meaning. Realistically a person could learn more than the basics of singing online for free, but would get the value of $75,920 out of it.

    But, that only takes one person, or group of people, to do it once, simply because they are nice. 

    Other people might sell books or lessons based on total value earned. Meaning, it gets cheaper the more that are sold. Meaning, if 10,000 copies are sold then the rest of the world gets it for free. 

    There are several reasons to see why people have a hard time grasping paying that much money to a music teacher. I do it because I want to learn. It is my "dream". But the reality is I will never be paid to sing. I will never be an Olympian. Because that's what famous singers are. Olympians.

    In  reality, I am learning to swim. But paying more money. And not having any set plan. The good thing about singing though; I can't drown singing. 

  7. Hey guys. 


    1 hour ago, Draven Grey said:

     just not what's needed when you really want or need to be training. Learning is great and necessary, but it's not training.

    True, which is why I train. 

    Here's a quick video I made and uploaded to Youtube. It's me doing warmups. You see me pause a bunch at my breaks. Again, it seems like I sing better in Falsetto/high head. 

    Enjoy, or, er, try not to have you ears bleed.


  8. I think it would be nice to have some additions to the website.

    Ratings for each video.
    Comments for each video.

    This would be good both for students, to learn from each other and see if a video works or not, as well as for Robert, to take feedback on videos and see which works etc.

    Possibly add buttons for "needs work", "confusing", "too long", "boring", "insulting"/"downtalk","redundant", etc. These would be quicker forms of feedback that would allow Robert to make note of areas that may need to be changed.

    For example. I just watched a 6 min plus video that was talking (arguing) about semantics, and talking about wasting time. Ironically, I felt the video was wasting my time (no offence intended here, just trying to offer critique for improvement). I also felt that there was a lack of information on proper understanding of what "operational definition" is on Robert's side. The video could easily have been made shorter, addressed in a more objective and informative tone, and less confrontational towards a non-existent combatant.. 
    ----- (I'm talking about the "mixed voice" is dead video. )

    Not sure if anyone else would find ratings/comments useful. But I think I would. Perhaps even a search function.

  9. Not sure if this is the right area to be asking this or not.

    For the onsets, with the "hum" onset, how is hum different than just humming. 
    The way I picture it, is to not have a complete air seal around the lips. Basically by letting air out the side of the lips while resonating at the tip of the lips that are touching.

    Am I anywhere near close?


  10. Seems like I got everything working now. 
    There is definitely more organization and flow than the older version that I had. 
    I look forward to digging into it.

    Thanks all for the help...

    It seems this journal of mine has been slightly derailed. It has become more focused on the change from older format to the newer format. As such, I will likely create a new journal to outline my progress.

    Rich. ( Matrix) Aka. TheMatrixIAm.

  11. Any clue how long the lifetime membership lasts?

    When you update your version do I need to buy a new lifetime membership?

    Just to clue in the rest of the journal readers out there... I purchased the four pillars back in October of 2014. So, 3 years ago.
    Back then I was using a program called sharefile as well as vimeo to get the updated files. I was under the impression that these files were continually updated. Which is why I am concerned about this "lifetime membership".

    Oct.2014 paid $484.
    Now, 3 years later, I can get the new program for $80.

    I understand business it business... That being said, as a 37 year old adult, I have emotions and rationality as well.

    If we all have a limited lifetime membership for 80$... then I will just have to understand that it is a play on words... Similar to how I might get a lifetime membership to window xp. It's not windows 10, but it's still a lifetime membership. The fine print if you will. That's what I am curious about. 

  12. Hey guys.
    I figured I might as well start a Journal... It will keep me on track. 

    There wasn't any Sticky that I could find on Journals, so I am just going to wing it. Basically, I assume it's a record of our experiences. Words, audio/ video... 

    This Journal of mine will probably be a mix of video and word.

    So, to begin. I've had the four pillars program since 2014. I got it. Watched a bunch of videos. Tried some of the stuff. And then just left it.

    I think the reason for this is that the interface just kind of throws everything in your face. There doesn't seem to be a set flow for what you are suppost to be doing and in which order. If there is, I still haven't found it yet. 

    Now that I am back at it, I am still finding this.  The videos are very long, and seem to drag in spots. I think it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't going in so blind. If there was some clear order then I would know what to do when. Also, I find that having 40 mins lectures cuts down on potential singing time. That said, I wouldn't want to trade it and lose the info. I would prefer if they were separated so I could choose to watch less. The interface needs work, in my opinion. But, as I said, I got this back in 2014 - meaning all of those changes might have been done already. 

    My biggest hurdle I find is finding out where to start. There's no real break down of what to do, how long, etc. Nor mentions of how to approach singing along to songs. I am used to the format of doing warmups and then focus on singing a song, and then breaking apart certain areas for improvement. 

    Any advice so I'm not going in so blind would be helpful. I have watched a bunch of the video lectures in order, and one video demo.

    Oh. I forgot to add. I just signed up for singing lessons in Edmonton. A bit of a drive for me. One hour. But it's beside where I work, so that's good. It's also a music school/studio. Which means, I hope, that the lessons will be better than what I had before. The last time I took lessons it was at a music store. There focus was mainly on selling instruments and equipment. 

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