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Posts posted by Pekka

  1. Thank you very much Pekka ;)

    And yea, nerves are really annoying for us becouse when we're sitting in the room (just two of us) everything is fine and we're really relaxed. But when we record video or play in front of the people we're quite stressed. But I guess that's just beginners issue? :)

    I don´t know, i am beginner too :) Let´s hope so :rolleyes:

  2. Sorry Pekka, but effects are not going to be of much help. Also, listening to it again, there are a few spots that are off key.


    The tone of your voice is nice - you have the talent to sing, so keep at it. I'd suggest working on the song a bit more, doing some exercises to develop your range will help with the high notes. Lowering the key may help if you want to record the song now.

    Thanks, you are right. I have to practice more :)

  3. Pekka


    Nice job!


    One comment: It sounds like you might be straining or at least pushing pretty hard on the high notes. To me it sounds a lttle out of  place in a song like this. Try to relax into the notes. Its easier said than done, I know - I am working on it myself.

    Many thanks, you are right about that straining. It is very hard to get the high notes sound relax :)

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