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Magika Singer

TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Magika Singer

  1. I'm flattered. This is great singing but is also a unique interpretation of a classic. I love the freedom in your phrasing. You bend the song to express something personally, but don't break it.

    Those sections where you really dig in are filled with power and provide a nice sense of contrast and livelihood. Nice dynamics. You're very expressive, and your passion comes through in your singing. Thank you.

    Your review is fantastic...,thank you! So happy you liked my dedication and really honoured since you listened carefully and caught any tiny peculiarity of my cover! I like this genre very much but I hardly sing it during my gigs because where I perform people want to dance and this kind of songs offers no chance for dancing! But when I can spend some time at home singing and recording I try to please my true music tastes.....next recording will be an Ella Fitzgerald song!

    Thank you for each single word you wrote me....I am very proud about them!!!

    Have a wonderful week....see you soon!

  2. I dig jazz and I like having a male involved in the song. Your friend's voice is cool in that he has some timbre shading abilities of lightness and darkness that remind me a bit of Frank.


    I feel like your voice is very suited for a jazzy setting, but there is still a slight accent here that gives it character helps you stand out from other singers. I'd be interested in you singing Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughan. To my ears your voice has depth and finesse that sounds really nice in more intricate settings.


    It's almost like you have so much depth in your delivery (phrasing, timing, tonality shading) pop backdrops aren't fully revealing it.


    I know Frank Sinatra is one of my favorite singers, and the Beatles are one of my favorite bands, but he always sounded strangled or retrained to me if he tried to sing a Beatles song. Their melodies were extremely defined, beautiful and sometimes innovative, but they were rigidly written. Frank didn't have as much room to strut his stuff compared to some of the Great American Song Book material that was written more intricately with more room for improvisation.


    Of course you should sing any genre you want, but I hear that depth there. Nuance, shading, phrasing. A lot of people never reach that level.

    I read your review and felt so emotional I could not find the words to reply! THANK YOU from the depth of my heart.....receiving such feedbacks from people like you makes me very very happy!! Hope you had a nice Sunday...cheers!

    P.S.: I posted a cover and dedicated it to you....feel free to drop in and leave your impression! xx


  3. Hello everybody,

    My name is Alessandro, but everybody calls me "Ale".

    I'm from Italy, 38 years old and work as a teacher in a primary school of Asti, the town where I live.

    So I am not a professional singer, but I have been studing music and singing technique for some time so far. I love singing and, actually, music has always been a way to feel alive for me and to fight against all those pain-in-the-nek things that you happen to live in your life, you know. :)

    I am very excited to post my first song here. I have been thinking for some time and really couldn't make a decision on which of my recorded covers or original pieces could have been the best one to represent me... but then I just ended up with ">"She Will Be Loved", simply because it's recent and I simply like singing it. :D

    I really thank you so much for dedicating some time to my voice and I realy hope you will drop me some lines to give me your opinion about it.


    Hi Ale!!! So at last you made up your mind!! Really happy to see you here and to having let you know this nice site!!

    I already listened to your cover but I want to say also here GREAT JOB my friend!!



  4. Hi Cynthia ...

    Pleasure to listen to you... You got a very unique style in your singing. Can't give any suggestion or review as you seems to be a very professional singer and I am just a beginner in it haha. :D

    But I would like to say I thoroughly enjoyed listening your song. Cool B) B)

    Hi Umesh! How nice and kind you are....thanks!! I'm so happy you enjoyed my cover and remember: none of us can ever think of having reached the top of it....we all learn from each other ALWAYS!!! It's an eternal work in progress lol

    Keep on singing and listening and do it with your heart: that's the key!!

    Have a nice Sunday!!!!


  5. Awesome dancing... but?  what is the point?

    Sorry if I interfere...Antonio is a friend of mine but I think he made the mistake of not writing an introduction in English to his cover! The video is only a visual background for the audio track taken from Internet, which was sung by my friend Antonio and a friend of his, called Alessia. The focus should be on the audio and not on the video. Cheers



  6. I like this one as well. And the mix sounds more appropriate here, plus, I am a fuddy-duddy and used to the duet style of the original.


    As far as your mixing skills, it's okay if you are not good at it. That is why you will take your material that is meant for professional release to a mixing engineer and then, later, to a mastering engineer. That is how the pros do it. And it is not a slight against the mixing skills of a recording musician. It is because these other people have trained their ears for the task at hand. As a musician, you are too close to the work. In addition, the listening skills that you need to sing are different than the listening skills a mixing guy and a mastering guy or girl have. Plus, they have different equipment. You might by mixing with plug-ins, which is okay. Pros tend to have outboard equipment. They will play your file through an output into a physical eq box and compressor and whatever else and the input it into something like Pro Tools.


    So, the first step is to hire an attorney who specializes in music law. Get copyright payments to ASCAP squared away and do your thing. Just remember, the more of your music production and business you control, the better. That is the whole reason, though many people do not know it, that Prince changed his name to that symbol. He changed it back once the contract to the record company he was with expired. Then, he started his own label.

    Thanks!! Actually I never thought of releasing any of my covers....maybe I did the wrong choice ahahahaa

  7. Hello Cynthia

    I liked it! Your voice is lovely and I think overall you achieve the soft effect you are going for.

    But I must agree with Gneetap that the shaking seems a little out of place in what is otherwise a version that sticks fairly close to how Sting sings it. The word step at 0"45 stood out to me.

    One other thing that occurred to me is that in the bridge the rapid pace of the lyrics kind of takes a little away from the soft effect. Have you considered modifying the lyrics slightly to cut down the number of syllables? For instance, you might modify 'I dream at night, I can only see your face' to 'when I dream, I only see your face.' Or something like that. Just something to think about - feel free to ignore my ramblings if they don't make sense.

    Thanks for listening....I actually sticked to Karen Souza version and she doesn't change any word. For the shaking of my I don't think it's so out of place but I know it's a matter of taste so I accept your objection! Hope you'll listen also to my next covers....see you soon!

  8. I got a chance to listen to your Evernecence. Great job.




    1:33 - 1:45... nice work... good intonation and dynamics.


    2:00 - 2:06, ... good belting... I would say try to capture this sound and feeling on more of your song. My ears tell me it needs a touch more anchoring, more bigger larynx movements.


    3:02 - 3:13 ... another example of more M1 engagement, more chesty, modal voice... 


    - Move a highly efficient and amplified horizontal embouchure position.

    - squeeze the glottis harder with precision, isolated contractions... INTO...

    - ... and larynx that is anchored and giving you some "boom"...

    - My ears tell me that on the chorus, if you shaded in a bitter "aw" as in "law"...it will nudge your larynx into a great position.


    Try it and lets hear another crack at it!


    Overall, its good, keep going... train to make your belts stronger...


    Controlled Glottal attacks into forward resonant vowels would be a great singercize routine for you. 


    Hope this helps... 

    Thank you very much for the hints.....cheers!

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