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Posts posted by Wakawaka

  1. Thanks Robert, I will give the Quack a try ... I am definitely willing to put in the work. Because I have so many crazy song ideas (comedy rock/pop genre) and also made some backing tracks for them on my PC, but it all sounds horrible mostly because of the singing. I feel like I need to put them to life or they will make a plot to take over my brain and kill me at some point. So I sadly have no choice.

    I understand this song is a ballad and all that that entails, but you need to compress a lot more still, even for this song. If you think about the original artists that sang this... are they singing it as windy as you?

     Yes. Yes, they are. Just as windy as me ... Just kidding of course, they are true monsters of singing. In a good way. I will definitely compress a lot more and already did today surprisingly while singing some german songs. Just lightly in the belly region. My impression is it already sounds a lot better (not perfect of course, but a bliss compared to the example above). I also notice I need to work on some details as for example putting the volume on the right notes later.

    they are using light mass levels of twang compression

    Um ... What?

    The speaking voice is not the singing voice, I will keep that in mind and maybe get a tatoo which says 'The speaking voice is not the singing voice' on my forehead. So I see it in the mirror every morning. Seem to forget about that a lot.

    Any suggestion on relatively easy to sing rock/pop songs for my personal practice? How about 'Halleluja'  by Leonard Cohen or 'The House of the Rising Sun'?

    Great video, I feel like my butt is getting professionally kicked in a good direction. Will definitely take a look at some other videos on youtube and very seriously consider buying your course, good sir.


  2. Hi Gneetap, thanks for the reply man.

    If I ever can sing it in the original octave I will be quite glad, haha ... I got a very low voice naturally. I recorded the singing with a (unfortunately) cheap dynamic microphone connected to a Line6 UX1, which was USB-wired into my PC. I think it (the mic) may have too high impedance for this kind of interface ... Could this be the case? Anyhow, I only get a very soft signal out of it and have to 'software amplify' it afterwards. Any hints (other interface/mic amplifier?) on that?

    You are right, I sung so softly because it was even harder to hit the higher notes when singing louder. I am also not sure I really understand support, because when I try it (working those belly muscles to create some pressure from 'below') it sounds more like a annoyed person shouting at a Walmart clerk than singing, haha. How will I know when I do it the 'right way'?

  3. Hi,

    I have been singing for over ten years now but never reached the level I was aiming for. For lack of money I never took singing lessons. I have the feeling that I am doing something fundamentally wrong, because sometimes I sing off pitch and don't notice until I listen to the recording later. Soft songs like the one I want to show to you in the example seem to work better than metal or rock songs. Sadly I enjoy those most. So, maybe time for a sugar break!

    If some vocal pros could point out some of the mistakes I am making and how to correct them I'd be a very happy puppy for today!


    edit: I took the freedom of using the intro to review the melody.



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