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2 cats in a dust bin

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Everything posted by 2 cats in a dust bin

  1. We keep using this magical word again pitch! Singing lessons sound very expencive Robert Lunte, dose a downloadable training course, would that do the job?
  2. I was thinking of uploading another thread of another song but I don't know at the moment because I get all this advice but I don't understand what you are all talking about I though when you said matching sounds using an insteament you where talking about matching vocal cord using a PC software But now do you mean listening to a piano key and trying to sing to it? Anyway hear is what I got from your idea of ear training Record myself sing the original track with the original artist sing (no karaoke) then listen to it and do it all again So hear it is https://app.box.com/s/s26rmww12wt7js0gs04r0ibvd9s7ij3a And the one after https://app.box.com/s/tw8um5u41m30a2jg53tqgzl6ci0bhjfv
  3. OK I get the message I got it working in the end so best to put my opinions to one side and back to the recording Do you mean to high on the notes high and dry, which I was told before where flat and needed lifting up? I dont know what you mean by ear training And I dont know what you mean by pitch? But are you saying this track is not two far off and dose not need ditching like the other one
  4. Then I must be tone death because I listened to it and though it was OK But obviously no one likes it so that is that As said I need to forget the song or do the instrument thingy (what ever it is)
  5. I realy do fail to see the logic to this I realy do. Because as far as I can see streming is downloading just not saving the file that is all We went through this a few years ago when some twerp moved into the flat above Rogers. And Roger having a telephone and broadband decided to run a cable up to his flat and split the bill, line 50/ 50 Only problem is Roger could not get online because this guy was using all the data allowance. Roger being a clever man who would read and use things like Wikipida and not waste his life on facebook youtube crap. Where this guy spent all day streaming junk off youtube and pissed Roger off in the end because he refused to belive that he was downloading data and streaming was not downloading data it was something ells in his infinite wisdom. So there you have it, if you want to watch/ stream that same video again then you have to download it twice Faulse acconamy realy You can download it but you have the option to open the file as well as save it too, so I dont see what anyones problem is realy But never the less you have all made your minds up regardless of the above So hear is the song I just did as an .mp3 and using drop box as well https://app.box.com/s/ez0xb2k0zdxfxlso35luyy1ks0qw7pz2 Bit of a cold on my through at the moment but hay ho, should really crack on with it anyway
  6. This is becoming to be a bit of a joke now it really is The link works fine for me as a download when logged out
  7. So I have done this song again and done what I have been advised to do I have used Reaper not audacity because audacity makes a mess of it all But with reaper I can only save it as a .wav file So please so if you can open this https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8Bc0M5UDRFN0tOSVE
  8. I keep hearing about this instrument thing and I have no idea what anyone is talking about Please could you supply me a link that I can use Thanks
  9. I have managed to convert to .mp3 so hopefully you can now stream them This is the one I did at full https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8BZE9xSVRXWE5kdnM And this is done again played down https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8BSUlJSGVnTGFCR1U
  10. Collin Did you manage to download the .mp2 link, the one I uploaded first, or just the first one (the .mp4 video) So are you saying I can work this song if I get vocal twang exercise from a teacher/ coach? All I can see from diaphragmatic muscles is the it is a muscle used for breathing Have you had singing lessons in the past for your self Collin?
  11. You have to download these ones Did you try it? what happened when you pressed the link?
  12. I have paid and I am singed up to the "review my singing" but I am unable to to start a new topic in that thread So please could you move this thread over to the "review my singing" thread Anyway hear are 2 .mp2 files I did using audacity I think the recording sound on Audacity is better then windows live camera What do you think https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8BZXdLbEs2SlRxOEE https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8BVEUtLU84VFAtWE0
  13. PS almost forgot I did this one the other day with Audacity and for some reason it sounds a little different What do you think? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8BODlaN2pXR1ZYR2s
  14. Sorry I dont do social media sites; yes I use the net a lot but you wont wind my real name on google search What exactly can I get out of a teacher that will help me improve this song? And do you think I have the potential to get the song to a professional standard? Thanks
  15. Hi there I am pretty sure what I have provided is a streamable link and not a downloadable one It is hosted by "Google Drive" I only have the most basic of playing and recording equipment which dose not allow good quality recording of the vocal spectrum I guess. But hear is the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B897xTc-9m8Bb2ZidGd1eUZaejg Will pop back in 24hrs to check this thread So where do I want to be then?
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