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Steve Perry cover

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I am very familiair with this song, one of my favourite songs from Journey. The first verse is almost perfect, not much to improve there. Then I can see Devaitis point but it is not as bad as he may present it as. That is, in the prechorus you sound a bit too nasal and a little strained, especially in the last two lines "if we can´t go on" and "To survive the tides love divides". Maybe you push too much there to gain the thickness you hear in the song. The thickness in this song comes from the backing vocals and that thickness you will have if you add some more of your vocals and pan them, then it will sound more powerful.

But overall a very good achievement from you Jon.

I was thinkingh something similar too. I agree that the first verse sounds excellent. I think that you may have done what I do, which is to get excited halfway into the song, and then start raising the voice in volume and adding a little shout.

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