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Take Me To Church - Please Critique

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

That was really good. I'm not familiar with the song but you did a great job. My only standout point was the first "Amen's". Around 49 seconds in the words amen were a little bit too hard to me. By hard, I mean the A was too hard and I felt it should have been softer. Maybe more of a breathyness to it or an "H" sound to soften the hard A. The second time around toward the end of the song the amen's were better.

A minor point and one I'm sure an audience wouldn't notice or even care about. Just something a singer might consider to be even better!


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you both for the feedback, I'll keep what Clint said in mind about softening the Amens. The song has some pretty low notes and I received some feedback that I didn't hit them very well. I would like to hear from some of you about what you think.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The trouble with low notes is that most people focus so much on hitting high notes they neglect practicing in the opposite direction. This too needs strengthening. You have to strengthen the voice to go low just as much as going high. For me I find some low notes require a lot of support so as not to become breathy while other low notes need less attention and and I focus on them as if I were speaking rather than singing. Just remaining chesty. In this song it may be a support issue. There does seem to be a big jump between the beginning of your cover and the rest of the song. You may need to balance it out somehow artistically while also adding more support.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

My favorite things about your voice are the dynamics in your timbre/volume and the variety of push/pull in your phrasings. I'd never listened to the original, but I checked it out and actually prefer your timbre as it sounds more dynamic to me, and I'm a sucker for this kind of singing (Amy Winehouse fan!).

For people saying your low notes need more power, but I'm not sure that is correct. From the sounds of this song one of the core emotions expressed in it is vulnerability and the slight weakness adds to it in my opinion. Loud, buff strength is such a small fragment of the human experience, psychologically, artistically, emotionally, socially. People falter, that's how life is and that's what makes human beings relate-able and not thick and loud noise making robots. I'd probably get less out of it if you stripped any hint of weakness from the track.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

What I liked

- I believe in every word you sing

- It's really dynamic

- Good voice, clean (reminds me of Amy Winehouse)


What you should think on 

- be better on the "vibrato moments"

- i think you did better in the middle/end then you did in the first


but it was really good and it's a hard song

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