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We are the champions Queen(Take 2)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Phew.... This is a tough song to mix with so many changes in the volume and intensity of the singing, and needless to mention an even tougher song to sing.  I did a version last year and since I have made some improvements, I thought it is time to post a version 2 of the song.. 


The chorus makes it so difficult to sing in tune(it is so loud in the karaoke track) and the phrasing makes it difficult to record without backing track... Took me nearly two days of effort to produce a version I am happy with.  There are a lot of mistakes, but am giving myself a break since I am not a pro :-)  


Thanks to everyone who listens to the song and drops in a sentence or two... 




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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey, man! Very nice try.

This is not an easy song to sing. When you go higher you start climbing notes, e.g. when you sing Bb4 "through". When you sing the higher part of the chorus you tend to force.

My recommendation is that you try to sing the song a step or two lower to avoid these killer notes. As soon as you're ok with this lowered key, then go higher.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm really starting to love the nuances of timbre you've developed in your upper middle range. It really shines during the intro, and I love the variations in breath flow.


I do dig it, but I pretty much agree with the others, that those high notes are killers in this song.


Jugulator has some good advice in trying a lower key where you're more comfortable.


My advice would be to approach it from top down first. Get into a headier position and maybe try to hum or buzz into it with the least compression that starts forming body. Try to break the melody down and start light, and add body. You can try an ng or mum.


I'm a fan of the brute force method as a sound, given my tastes, but this song is just too high to do this on. In the long run, it will be better to sound a bit wimpy than force this stuff above a certain point.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


My advice would be to approach it from top down first. Get into a headier position and maybe try to hum or buzz into it with the least compression that starts forming body. Try to break the melody down and start light, and add body. You can try an ng or mum. 


Hi Killer.. Thank you for your feedback.  Can you please demonstrate what you mean with a recording if possible.  I am not sure I get what you mean.. 

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey, man! Very nice try.

This is not an easy song to sing. When you go higher you start climbing notes, e.g. when you sing Bb4 "through". When you sing the higher part of the chorus you tend to force.

My recommendation is that you try to sing the song a step or two lower to avoid these killer notes. As soon as you're ok with this lowered key, then go higher.

Hi Jugulator... Thanks for your feedback.. You are one of my favorite singers and your "very nice try" means a lot more to me than hearing "great job" from lesser knowledgeable folks(no offense to anyone).. 


How would singing lower key help?  With co-ordination?? I suppose you mean for practice?  I surely aspire to sing these songs in the original key and I think I should be able to do it at some point.. How do I approach given this?  

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Killer.. Thank you for your feedback.  Can you please demonstrate what you mean with a recording if possible.  I am not sure I get what you mean.. 


Not at the moment, but I'll add it to the to do list when I get some loud time. People have been home a lot which is why I haven't been singing much.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Jugulator... Thanks for your feedback.. You are one of my favorite singers and your "very nice try" means a lot more to me than hearing "great job" from lesser knowledgeable folks(no offense to anyone).. 


How would singing lower key help?  With co-ordination?? I suppose you mean for practice?  I surely aspire to sing these songs in the original key and I think I should be able to do it at some point.. How do I approach given this?  

Thank you. Singing your fav songs a bit lower could help you avoid the bad habits of getting strained. At the same time you should find a method to increase your "chest" range. And this method is not just to sing these songs in the original key. I'm sure you will be able to sing them even higher than the original key. Cheers.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well this is very frustrating. I a bit of time to sing yesterday and had a set of exercises that might help you recorded, but either they didn't get saved or got deleted. I haven't forgotten about this thread.


I did see what would happen if I took a shot at this song:




You can hear me accidentally push on the line "but I've come through" which is corrected on "but I'll never lose" (same vowel, same melody)


There were a few wobbles, but this song is within comfortable my range now and I could get it if I don't push. So if I get time to record again today, I will once again record the exercises for you that I warmed up with, so you can hear them.


Basically it's starting more from almost falsetto (not disconnected but light), and building up the resonances and closure into a lighter configuration that requires less 'push.'

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Aravindmadis, very nice try man. You got the balls to pick a very hard song, my friend. I liked one thing in special, that is you did not sound as a cartoon character not for a second. Great improvements, man!

It sounds to me that you are straining and shouting a lot on the high parts, with the exception of the falsetto/light head voice on "keep on fighting..." (very nice, by the way). I agree with the other guys about changing your approach to this song. In my humble opinion, you could either try it on a lowered key (1-1/2 step down) to get the coordination, muscles, and stamina right, or "keep on fighting till the end..." (sorry I couldn't resist) continue singing on the same key but making several changes as needed. I don't think the notes are your problem, as you probably have recorded songs with higher notes. You are probably struggling because of a combination of lyrics (vowels and consonants that throw you off), the notes you are coming from right before the change in pitch, and to much power. If you want to keep trying on the same pitch you must start training with a much lighter coordination of "mixed" or head voice, and pay attention to your support as you ascend. Keep practicing just the change in pitch with less power and support. When you get the coordination right the timbre will change with time, and you may sound as powerful as you like. Keep on rocking man!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Aravindmadis, very nice try man. You got the balls to pick a very hard song, my friend. I liked one thing in special, that is you did not sound as a cartoon character not for a second. Great improvements, man!

It sounds to me that you are straining and shouting a lot on the high parts, with the exception of the falsetto/light head voice on "keep on fighting..." (very nice, by the way). I agree with the other guys about changing your approach to this song. In my humble opinion, you could either try it on a lowered key (1-1/2 step down) to get the coordination, muscles, and stamina right, or "keep on fighting till the end..." (sorry I couldn't resist) continue singing on the same key but making several changes as needed. I don't think the notes are your problem, as you probably have recorded songs with higher notes. You are probably struggling because of a combination of lyrics (vowels and consonants that throw you off), the notes you are coming from right before the change in pitch, and to much power. If you want to keep trying on the same pitch you must start training with a much lighter coordination of "mixed" or head voice, and pay attention to your support as you ascend. Keep practicing just the change in pitch with less power and support. When you get the coordination right the timbre will change with time, and you may sound as powerful as you like. Keep on rocking man!


Thanks.. I have been meaning to do a lighter version.. I am pretty sure I can do a version that addresses all criticism(valid ones at that), but the truth is that I love Freddie's raw power in this song  :D I feel that the song will lose its character a little bit with a lighter tone... The emotion that I feel while singing this song is one of a superhero.(you get the idea!).. 


But in the end, we sing for listeners and listeners are the best judge.. So let me work on a different style and repost later!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well this is very frustrating. I a bit of time to sing yesterday and had a set of exercises that might help you recorded, but either they didn't get saved or got deleted. I haven't forgotten about this thread.


I did see what would happen if I took a shot at this song:




You can hear me accidentally push on the line "but I've come through" which is corrected on "but I'll never lose" (same vowel, same melody)


There were a few wobbles, but this song is within comfortable my range now and I could get it if I don't push. So if I get time to record again today, I will once again record the exercises for you that I warmed up with, so you can hear them.


Basically it's starting more from almost falsetto (not disconnected but light), and building up the resonances and closure into a lighter configuration that requires less 'push.'


Thanks Killer.. I can see what you mean.. I will work on a repost! 

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks.. I have been meaning to do a lighter version.. I am pretty sure I can do a version that addresses all criticism(valid ones at that), but the truth is that I love Freddie's raw power in this song  :D I feel that the song will lose its character a little bit with a lighter tone... The emotion that I feel while singing this song is one of a superhero.(you get the idea!).. 


But in the end, we sing for listeners and listeners are the best judge.. So let me work on a different style and repost later!

Hi Aravind, when I say decrease the power on the high parts, it is just until you figure it out how to do it properly, or get the muscle memory, to sing the way you want. I agree with you, this song is all about the power, after all, "we are the champions of the world...". But the way you are currently singing it (struggling and shouting) will make this song be the only one in your set list, because it is going to kill your voice and drain your stamina. Believe me, I've been there, and singing in a rock band with poor monitoring still makes me do it. Keep rocking man!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks.. I have been meaning to do a lighter version.. I am pretty sure I can do a version that addresses all criticism(valid ones at that), but the truth is that I love Freddie's raw power in this song  :D I feel that the song will lose its character a little bit with a lighter tone... The emotion that I feel while singing this song is one of a superhero.(you get the idea!).. 


But in the end, we sing for listeners and listeners are the best judge.. So let me work on a different style and repost later!


Somethign to think about is Freddie didn't start off with this kind of song or singing. My favorite Queen Album is Queen 2:



The vast majority of his vocals sound top down to me. He started light, and built the coordination into the heavier belting sound as far as I can tell. So it's not either/or but trying to force the belt above a certain point at least for me has been counterproductive.


So you'll be able to get it and sing it like a super hero, but you might want to train a bit like your hero seemingly did. :) 

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