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Can I do something with my voice?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I really want to do something with singing, at least a youtube-patreon thing if anything. Sometimes I feel confident, but most of the time I'm not sure. My friends tell me my voice is good but I'd like to know outsider opinions, and I'm not getting any traffic to my channel to give me a good idea.

Could i get an honest opinion about my voice?


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well, answering your question, of course you can do something with your voice. I know people who sang Green Day songs with zero support or resonance who are now incredible lyrical singers.

First, I think oyu have a lot more space yo resonate your voice, mate. And it's probably a darker timbre than what is shown in the video. I am an advocate of working first on what is natural and organic and then branch out into whatever your preferences are. Now I have no idea if it is good, productive, or counter-productive to work right off the bat on the specific sound you want. You could ask some of the teachers here.

If you are into small voices like Adam Levine ( your clip sounds pretty similar hehe ) you can develop that type of sound. The thing is that you don't want to constrict anything to produce it. The high note you made there in 00:36 after the falsetto was very closed in the pharynx, very twanged and "throaty", some lyrical people would say.

My first advice is to practice scales on a very relaxed and open-throat way ( Soft palate lifted, Relaxed Pharynx, neutral larynx ), while maintaining the fold's closure and see what happens. I would like to hear more of your voice :P

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Haha, I'll definitely start practicing scales again. A friend told me too a while back and I was noticing a difference, idk why I stopped. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!!! :)

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