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Posts posted by Marcus

  1. Here's a recording from this evening, now I tried recording audio with 2 mic's and a line out from guitar (one of the mic's visible, other one as a room mic). I think it was KillerKu who in one of my previous covers pointed out I should make more of an effort with the recording setup. It's not yet where I want it to be with the audio, but getting better I think.

    Anyway - I like this song, it's fun to sing and leaves room for playing around with distortion.


  2. Thank you all for comments and support! 

    Rob & KillerKu - I agree about the tempo. I just get too excited when singing this and start speeding it up. I should probably start practicing with a metronome. 

    Gneetapp - thanks man! For this coming gig we'll stick to acoustics. 2 guitars, Cajon and tambourine. Other guitarist will sing some backing vocals on some songs (but probably not this one). I'll think about adding more weight, but don't want to get all too heavy when having a lot more songs in the set :) I'm getting better and better control over distortion, but I'm still not 100% with it (but starting to be very near full control now), so I'm trying to keep this a bit lighter so as to not over sing. 

  3. Vats & Ken - thank you both for the feedback!


    And Ron thanks for the link. I do have some songs I need to learn first, but I will definitely add that one to the list!


    I'll admit I'm no big Kiss fan, although I do enjoy listening to them. Paul Stanley have some serious pipes. I picked this song up when searching for 80s rock for a troubadour gig. Didn't feel like I could do it in original key though, and I skipped the key change by the end :)


    Seems there's no going back from using distortion now when I learnt how to do it. Everyone, myself included, seem to prefer it to the clean singing, haha.

  4. I really like this one! Lots of heart put into this, and I like how you're playing with dynamics and some distortion. I would maybe like it to be just a little, little more polished. But I'm damaged when it comes to listening also. Do you have any video of live performances? I would imagine you are great on stage, at least it's the feeling I get when hearing you.

  5. Thank you very much guys!

    Ron, I hadn't heard that song before. I might give it a try some day!

    KillerKu - thanks for the ideas. I'll definitely do some more proper recordings. This was a spontaneous thing. Wife and kids left home for two hours so I had some time to practice and sing, so I figured I'd just turn the camera on and rock it.

    Thanks for the link also, hadn't heard about Allen Stone at all. Real nice song, and fun idea with living room recording!

  6. I'm not too fond of this one buddy. The guitars aren't easy, but it kinda breaks the song for me when they are a bit sloppy. I'd like to hear it again when you've really practiced the guitar parts.

    Singing wise, I listened a bit to the original. I'd like to hear you do this one with more of that country twang and just a tad more flow to the vocal lines. Sounds good, but you could improve on this one! Hope you don't take offense, I just think you could own this one with a little more practice (and this is just my humble opinion).

  7. I like the song, sets a nice mood. I like the guitar and melody.

    There were a few pitchy notes on the vocals, mainly by the end of the song I think. Shouldn't be any trouble to fix, just go over it a few times and really know where the melody will go. Sometimes I got the feeling the melody was very low for you, but could be related to recording volume as well.

    I'm gonna assume it's recorded live with one microphone or device like a phone. The vocals are low in volume compared to the guitar. So much that I have a hard time hearing the lyrics in some parts. Could the mic be moved closer to your mouth when recording?

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