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Posts posted by Olem

  1. Very nice gritty voice here. I wish i had that rasp. Yeah, it´s a little showing off and a little bit "too much", hehe, but i understand your intention here, i think, to show many different sides of your voice, i have seen you doing this before in another thread. Your voice is fantastic and i would like to hear you in a full song where you are highly motivated, i think that would be something extra.

  2. Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. What can i say. When i listen to great music i just feel great. I felt really great listening to this, there were no disturbances whatsoever. If i really scrutinized it, maybe i would found something that could be improved. But i don´t like to sit and sharpen my senses, just relax and enjoy my music. Fantastic singing, Max.

  3. Ok, Ron, thanx for your answer. I don´t exactly understand what you mean by "Notice how you are bridged by the time you sing "run for your lives." Could you explain that further, Ron, because when i sing "run", actually i don´t know if i bridge, i just try to thin out and add more cry, i don´t know this "bridge" feeling. But to change the vowel more to "eh" than "ih" in "hills" i understand and that may help, though i think i already tried it.

  4. Hello, there!

    I have been away for awhile, alot of work lately among other things. But, i always have time to sing some tunes. I am going back to one of my favourite songs, i really want to nail this song one day. So, i hope to get some valuable critique and information here on this excellent forum and i am sure i will get it, i always does. One thing i know of and have noticed myself is that in the beginning of the chorus on the "Run to the hills" part i get to dull, too choked on the "hills", i can´t get it to sound good, not as free and resonant as Bruce. Any tips there? All tips on this tune are welcome. Thanx in advance.


  5. Max, I envy your really gritty "A"-sounds; like "As the sun [...]" and "shAtters"!

    I'm having minor troubles with it myself, and I'd be happy if you'll write a sentence or two of how you do it.

    All in all, Flight of Icarus was greatly (!) done, and therefore I shall be rather tough on you.

    1. "And a young boy appears" has a wonderfully thick, almost operatic, timbre. It's way too good not to adopt that particular timbre unto every lower note. The earlier counterpart "Above the ground" does not have it, and it lacks the magic you conjure later on.

    2. Your performance is kind of heavy/deep/dark, which is a pretty cocky (but I like it that way) thing to do when it involves higher notes because, in contrast to your lower voice, the higher notes ("gaze" and "in the name of God, my Father, I fly") sound bright/thin, which in turn detracts us from the illusion of one, vast voice.

    I'm in no way pushing for a radical change, because that would be too much. Just slightly more grit would do it.

    I've been there, and it's so easy to add grit the wrong way.

    One way to do it is to sing the relevant phrase as you usually do it, so you'll get the correct "settings" in your pipes, switch from the head voice mindset to a more chesty mindset, and do it again "from below".

    It's not easy, but once you get the hang of it; the vocal connectivity (while singing in a heavy/dark manner) is solid as a rock.

    To perhaps add some sense of credibility (or make the lack thereof apparent), this is me singing kind of heavy/dark with quite high notes on a bad day:


    Great post, Enander. I think you are spot on. When i listen to this fantastic tune i feel like i listen to two singers, namely Dickinson and Dio singing a duett. Sometimes a very dark timbre a´la Dio and sometimes a slightly brighter timbre a´la Dickinson. You wobble a little at some spots but all in all - fabolous singing, i love your grit.

  6. Hehe, interesting thread. I got curious and tried to go as low as i could. First i tried to actually sing and then i just fried. I am not quite sure how low i got here. When i was singing i think i hit a C2 and when i was frying maybe an A!, at least a B1. Here are two examples of me "singing"/frying crap, hahaha:



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