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Posts posted by gno

  1. I've been playin piano for like 8 years but started to sing a few days ago so I'm total begginer at singing. Do you have any special critics,what should I fix or something ?Thanks for the replies.

    Well that's a big subject. There is a lot to it. For one it seems like you are letting go of your support sometimes toward the end of phrases. On the first verse you are having pitch issues - going flat - that can be related to support. The overall tone is kind-of "swallowed". Energize your checks by smiling while singing - that can brighten up your tone.

    If you want to improve your voice you should think about some lessons or getting a video instruction program - like Robert Lunte's 4 Pillars - he is the owner of this website. If you don't want to spend money right away, there are a limited number of exercises on the web from Seth Riggs that are excellent - they are free. It's not enough to be a complete vocal program, but it would give you some exposure to some exercises to work on.

  2. Hi Geno,

    Thanks for your reply:) a friend helped me set up the recording...and your right...that set up is quite new to me...I cant say I felt completely comfortable. I'am also recovering from a back injury which had me out of singing completely for the last 6 months, no concerts, no practise...its been difficult. I think i'am going to scrap this one and give myself a little more time to recover....and to get ust to the environment. I even look worried in the video :-)...I went to see my back consultant today and he said it was time to get back singing....I jumped too far too fast. Lesson learned:cool:

    Laura - that's a bummer. Out of singing for 6 months? That would drive me crazy! I hope you recover soon.

    For the record I think your friend set the mic in a fine position. Most of us are using a closer position, but we're generally singing rock. It all depends on the type of mic and the dynamic range. Opera can get very loud. There's no way I can use a 6" distance when I'm singing an operatic aria. You need a lot more space. And if the mic is good it doesn't matter.

  3. Laura - welcome to the forum! The interpretation, phrasing and dynamics are spot on. Nice job. You have a beautiful voice. It's obvious you know how to support. The comments on pitch are right. You are all over the place in a bunch of areas. But this is the first time you sang through equipment like this? It can take some getting used to - you just need more experience.

    Is your setup or someone else's? I think it would be excellent for you to do a lot of this recording yourself. These pitch issues will go away with practice in this environment. The level of singing you do is beyond this. Bravo for doing the recording and getting the feedback.

  4. Sounds good to me. You've got a nice light mix voice going on in the chorus. Not sure I would change anything with the vocals.

    I would cut the reverb on the voice and other instruments. The reverb is too thick and is distracting. Not sure what kind of compressor settings you're using the vocals but that may help too. The intro piano part has too much dynamic range and when the strings come in they are jumping in too loudly. I'd make sure the piano has the appropriate compressor settings to even out the dynamics - bringing up the low parts of the piano. Or work on the Piano velocities. And tame those strings when they come in.

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