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Posts posted by David

  1. Thanks guys!

    I was singing away from the mic, because I was trying to read the lyrics. That pop filter of mine was right in my view at at the time, I couldn't change the placement of the computer or the mic.. So great call Keith and Ron!..

    I'm a little nervous now, since I Honestly did not hear (still don't) where I am off tune..

    I know I must be, since you guys hear it, but nI don't hear it.. Maybe my ears hear stylistic alterations, but in fact they are out of tune :(... .

    Can you let me know specifically (if you have the time to listen again) so I can work on fixing it...

    Thank you both for your kind words as well.

  2. Hum. I think for your range you are a tenor.

    If you don't have any medical issues that will prevent you from growing your voice, work hard with proper singing lessons, and after a lot of training, you'll be able to do this song with ease, since your voice can go really high.

    However, at this point of time, I found your performance mono-toned through the entire performance. Even when you went high, it was all still mono-toned -- all sitting on the same note / pitch.

    I agree it's a tough song to sing-- I can't get that high, at least not in full voice like you did, so if you develop your voice properly as mentioned above, you'll do fantastic.

    I would suggest that you should break down each part of the song .. First verse .... chorus... Second verse... Chorus... Bridge.... etc.etc.

    Match as closely as you can to the original, but do it softly without pushing or yelling.

    Really concentrate on your support and breath control as well... This will help with the pitch as well by regulating the air release and pushing down on the diaphragm for support and control.

  3. Although, the music is not the type I listen to normally, Destini does an Outstanding professional job on the track samples (from her site) and links she posted...

    Really impressive with your control, tone and feel you put into your material... Each piece to me, takes my mind vision to a scene or start/ending credits of a major film or hit t.v show, such as Game of Thrones, or True Blood, etc...

    Bravo Destini, Bravo.

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