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Posts posted by Major-Third

  1. I sort of fudged it on the ending, but I would still like to know what you guys think. Are there pitch problems? If so, were at exactly, and is it because of breath support, or lack of confidence on the notes? Did the phrasing seem to be consistent through the entire piece? I mean.. I can see some of my own mistakes, but it never hurts to have outside perspectives..




    (Also, a side-note. I plan on ordering a new microphone or two over the next couple of weeks. I hope this can improve the sound quality of my videos for viewing.)

  2. Honestly, I wish I had more options. Right now I'm finishing up my basic courses at a community college near home. I guess the answer will reveal itself in time. *Shrug*

    And thank you for your comment about an inborn musicality. I definitely feel it. When I was very young, probably around 3-4 in church I can remember hearing old hymns and songs... and the harmonies and rhythms just clicked. Ever since that point, I was trying to do something new with music. It's just about finding an outlet and running with it, I guess.

  3. I'm not entirely sure how to answer that question. I plan on being a music major. I would really like to teach. Theory and music concepts come very easily to me, and my ear is pretty fine tuned. I think the main thing I'd like to do, is just learn the smaller techniques and methods that I can use to make myself sound even more musical. My main area of focus needs to be the dynamic changes, and phrasing. The more I can make it sound like a musical "sentence" the better off I think I'll be.

    Thanks for your compliment, I hope you enjoy any videos I do in the future.


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