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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by srs7593

  1. This is going in the right direction. What I can offer is that you sound somewhat overly slurred in your diction. That may or may not be an easy fix, depending on your voice. Usually, it's good to think about keeping a single legato phrase for each breath, you're doing that pretty well. However, in order to improve diction and separate syllables, (especially up in the stratosphere) it's totally ok to give extra breath push at the beginning of stressed ones. Especially to keep the air flowing on a stop consonant like 'T' or 'K'. Some people have a sort of a huff on every syllable. I hear Geoff Tate and Michael Kiske do it more than Halford, but Halford makes up for it because his voice doesn't crash into consonants... do you know what I mean? Some people can just spit words out like rappers up there without losing their balance. I think that's innate. People with cavernous mouths usually are the ones I see doing that. But most great singers will change the volume and speed of the air to improve diction without necessarily stopping the air. At first, it feels like you're taking a risk, but it starts to feel natural pretty quickly. It did for me, anyway. Above all, you've got a pretty good grasp on controlling your pipes in that range, so here's something else you can think about. I say good job :)
  2. Hahahaha nice! Your voice handles consonants very well! I'm tempted to jump on this bandwagon.
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