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TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Keith

  1. I disagree. If he is going to learn to sing, he needs to sing without the burden of playing another instrument at the same time. In the video, he is sitting, with bad posture. It's great that he can play the guitar, but at the same time, singing along with a cd would be more beneficial since all of his concentration will be on singing, instead of splitting between guitar and singing. Standing up straight with good posture, learning breathing and support, and concentrating on what he is doing 100% is going to get him to where he wants to be faster. IMO. Of course, he could use the guitar for a pitch reference, but that would be my only suggestion that involves a guitar - at least until he learns the basics.

  2. To answer your YouTube question - anyone can sing. You need to start out with the basics, like anyone else would at the beginning stages of learning. Get a teacher or a coach if you can afford it. If not, then start with finding little singing tips and lessons on youTube - and Here on this forum. The first thing you need to do IMO is put the guitar down and concentrate on just the singing part. Playing an instrument at this stage of your learning will just distract you. There are a ton of warm ups listed on this forum, as well as general exercises.

    As far as warm ups, start with this one.

  3. Keith, I've listened to your singing many times now, and you're a great all-round singer! Must be very fun to have you in a band when you're that versatile.

    If I'm going to give you some critique, it's this: it sounds to me like you're playing it safe all the time. If I'm wrong, disregard this paragraph, and I apologise for my misinterpretation! :)

    Anyway, being sturdy and reliable is of course great (especially in a band environment), but sometimes metal urges... no, commands you to release the inner beast and manifest itself within your voice!

    It might be hard to let go of one's inhibitions and hit the correct notes at first, but once you're past the threshold you're home.

    I might be biased, seeing as I'm nothing but power... but I hope you understand what I'm getting at!

    Thanks for listening ! I started singing about 2.5 years ago-with no direction. I built an array of bad habbits. Since February, when I picked up pillars, I've been practicing the workouts for 1-2 hours a day (as time permits). I really am trying to get better every day! As far as power, I'm working on it. My bands first cd , written in drop d flat, was sung between Db4 and Db5 . I wanted to try something a little different with the new one.

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