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TMV World Legacy Member
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About Negoba

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  1. Your voice fits these songs well. You turn on a little blues growl here and there that adds alot. Rhythmically I think you nailed "Leave Your Hat On" better than "Letter" but Cocker himself made the latter, "Letter," massively loose so I get that that's the style. I'd come see you sing.
  2. Thanks MDEW, sometimes it's good to get some encouragement that putting in the work will eventually be worth it. Tommy, thanks for pointing that out, because I didn't even notice that on listen back. Wow, it's almost gone! Listening back on this even after a few days of practicing on the points made, I can hear the issues now alot better. I don't know that I could fix all those things quite yet but I know better what I need to work on. Cheers and have a great weekend.
  3. Tommy, what do you mean when you say a word is "floated." I listened back and could hear inconsistency in resonance and support, and that is something I will work on along with articulation for awhile. But I've heard other people use the term "float" and I'm not sure quite what that is.
  4. Tommy, thanks for the listen. The articulation issue makes sense I can start working on that I think fairly easily. The consistency is harder to know exactly. I know I was a bit flat in places, and I lost a little resonance in places. Is that what you're talking about? Tone is what I want to work on most. Incidently, Rob got back to me in less than 24 hours which is very nice. He also mentioned articulation and had some tone ideas.
  5. I sent this to Rob for ideas of where to get started, but I was curious about other's opinions. More specifically in terms of "this is ok but you need to work on xxxxx." Obviously the only time I tried to go into head voice it failed here but I wanted a straight uncut take to be honest about where I'm at, and maybe compare in a few months to see if anything is getting better. http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=11898340
  6. There are a few moments later in the second verse that are really a strain. I can hit them, but "new world will begin" is still pretty ugly. Right now I'm working on onsets as my main concentration, but I can feel my head voice getting more and more usable. Thanks for the listen.
  7. Chris clearly is a pro. I'm not, but still wanted a little feedback. I pulled down an earlier version where I was trying too hard. I won't chicken out this time. http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=11866945
  8. G2 cold, D2 warmed up, C2 with real tone but lower volume. All fry BS below that. I have original songs that require E2. I would never expect lower (of myself at least) than that on demand for a live situation.
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