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Posts posted by OldPainless

  1. Hey guys!

    I've been trying to learn the guitar for a few months now. I have no real intention of becoming any good, I just want to be able to play for fun at parties and such :P I'm sorry there's no strumming pattern, it distracts me too much with my current guitar playing skill level :rolleyes:. Also I just have one microphone, so that would explain the low volume of the guitar.

    I chose this one as it's sort of a cult favorite where I live. We had this one famous singer do this in a reality tv show in america, a while back and so the song became famous here as a result.

    The original has the capo on the second fret, but I went with the first fret as I liked it more that way. Plus, I have to sit down and sort of lean over the guitar to see where I place my fingers.. Resulting in a worse posture than normal :) There are a few words misplaced and a few might even be mispronounced. I know you're not supposed to make any excuses, but I thought you should know this before you judge me for poor posture :) This is more of a one take thing with me playing around. I really just want to know whether you liked it or not. By the way, I finally found a way to get rid of the buzzing noise that has plagued most of my recordings!

    Link: https://soundcloud.com/hordurar/dolphins-cry

    TLDR; Do you like it?

  2. 3 things:

    1. Relax a little bit more, have fun and care a bit less about singing it perfect. You might even want to improvise in places.

    2. Make sure you take a relaxed breath between phrases.

    3. Practise better english pronounciation. It's not bad but it could be better.

    1. I find it pretty hard to do while trying to maintain the correct distance from the mic :P But I can definitely try!

    2. That's easy for the verses, not so much for the chorus. It's slightly out of my comfortable range, so I end up straining a bit and having to take quick breaths. But I'll keep it in mind next time, maybe I can try and relax a bit more.

    3. That's a constant work in progress :lol:

    Edit: Oh, and thanks for the advice :)

  3. I thought you did a good job on one of my favorite AIC songs :)

    I think Ron got it right with his comment. To add something, I feel you sometimes hold the notes a bit longer than you have to. But that's maybe just personal opinion.

    You have a very, very pleasant voice and I hope you upload more! Nice guitar playing and sound quality as well.

  4. I looked for the acoustic version first, as I much prefer it to this one. Couldn't find it anywhere, so this will have to do as my guitar skills are near non existent :rolleyes:

    Anything you feel like mentioning, pronunciation, pitch, etc or just general sound, please do... Doesn't have to be all technical, although any tips are appreciated as always.

    link: https://soundcloud.com/hordurar/dont-you-worry-child-swedish

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