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Posts posted by Gneetapp

  1. Holly smokes Keith! This was really good man! I never heard Kamelot before, so I went to Youtube and listened to this song, and let me tell you, you are doing such a great job in this cover. Of course it needs to be a bit polished, and maybe your voice could be better mixed with the instruments, but other than that I got nothing to say. Congrats and Keep on Rocking! :cool:

  2. Hey Jugulator, great singing as always! I think this song and your voice are a perfect match! However, I would like to point two things that didn't work for me: 1) the changes between the calm and aggressive (higher pitch) voices. I think that when you did the soft parts ("time, it needs time...") you sounded to dopey which created a huge contrast in tone. If I may humbly suggest you to sing the soft parts more like Robert Plant in Stairway to Heaven, when you switch to the high power high pitch parts will still sound amazing, but as only one voice. 2) I feel you come too strong in the begining of the chosuses ("If we'd go...") and also is stretching to much the last note, giving only a short rest before the next line. Anyway, I'm no vocal teacher, nor an experienced singer, just my 2 cents. Keep on Rocking man!! :cool:

  3. What are you talking about?! You got such a sweet and melodic voice, and it is not nasally at all! Please do not quit singing, and find some backing tracks for songs you would like to sing, and start recording and having fun! I promise you will get even better and much more confident! Keep on Rocking! :cool:

  4. Hey ronws, I really liked your tone (timber?). I think you should record the guitar first and then record the vocals, cause it seems that you are getting confused between the playing guitar and the singing/pronunciation, and losing track of time/timing. I enjoyed the second part better. Also, I was wondering if you used a pinch of twang here and there on the lower notes if it would sound too heavy or just the perfect balance. I liked overall for a practice, but really think you should record tracks in separate to sound your best. Keep on Rocking! :cool:

  5. I think you show more control than you had before, when you do this song. So, good for you and keep on rocking.

    Now, do "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Warrant. :)

    Don't tempt me buddy, cause I love Warrant. I wish I still had the Cherry Pie record. I think I like the whole record, Mr. Rainmaker, Cherry Pie, Blind Faith, I saw red, Uncle Tom's cabin, and so on... I'll try to get the backing track for Uncle Tom's cabin, or any other. If you find a decent backing track, please let me know.

    Back to resonance, I found out that once my voice is warmed-up, the placement is right, I can sing I remember you with no effort at all (except the highest note, which I think is a E5) and really loud. The same goes for almost all these great hard rock songs, but I just need to practice the lyrics cause I can sing the notes. Thanks again for the kind words and support ronws, You bet that I'll keep on rocking, especially now that I'm really learning how to sing, after years and years os yelling... :D

  6. Hey MDEW, I think you hit gold with this approach, it sounds so much better, and you seem to be so much more comfortable singing that if I didn't know better I would think this was an original song by MDEW. You still got practice more to really nail the performance. I think that on the 2nd part you started to drift away a little bit from your approach. Maybe you were losing focus, as this was probably a new coordination you were trying, or just getting tired, or maybe is just in my head, or my semi-deaf ear. :P

    Anyways, just keep practicing on this coordination and you will get even more comfortable and consistent.

    Good job man, and keep on rocking! :cool:

  7. Stay with the resonance. It will build volume. Another thing I have notice about ole' Bach is he will sometimes end a note rough. That is, he sang the longest part of the note clean, then a little rough or gruff at the end, which gives the illusion that it was gruff.

    Hey ronws, thanks for listening. Yeah, I followed the resonance, and the vocals are loud. Sometimes my voice was loud enough that I could not hear the backing track on the headphones. But maybe it wasn't that loud, just the resonance in my head that overpowered the headphones. And as I am "a bit deaf" on the left ear (˜60-70% hearing loss) it may have been easier for my head resonance to overpower the headphones. :P

    I also noticed how Sebastian finishes his sentences and also use some distortion sometimes. But in this first attempt I just tried to focus on singing the high notes without straining but not sounding too soft either. For me it was a big victory already. If you remember I posted my shot at Iris less than a year ago, and I couldn't even sing the A4s cause I was yelling so much, and now I just sang I Remember You by SkidRow. So, I'm ok with not having sung the notes perfectly on pitch here and there, or having flipped to a falsettoish sound once, and etc.

    Many thanks for the support, and Keep on Rocking!

  8. You are able to hit the notes, but it sounds a little lacking power .. Did you try involving more of the diaphragm.. I used to have a similar issue until I found a way to sing from deep inside even for the headvoice.... This will likely cause more air flow and will lead to your voice sounding more breathy(which also happened to me :-) ), but you can sharpen the resonance by changing the shape of your mouth, by either making it wide or making it round(like when you say to).. This is what works for me, so try it out!

    Just curious.. How did you get across the soundcloud ban?

    Hi aravindmadis, thanks for listening and the tips. As this is my first relative success singing a song with such high notes, although not sounding good yet, I was just trying to sing the notes with resonance, which I was able to do with a relative ease, the only exception the highest notes at the end, when I kind of cheated a little. Still, it was hard enough for me to sing the entire song in only one take, as I would lose my breath in the chorus. To get around the soundcloud I just used a different file (a copied file made before the 1st upload to soundcloud) and renamed it.

  9. Hey guys, I think I finally did it, got around the Soundcloud ban. Anyways, this is my first attempt ever to record a song with such high notes. So, Robert Lunte's video really helped me creating the imagery to stop trying to hit the high notes, poor little things. I noticed that I'm pitchy and wobbling in few spots, and almost flipped to falsetto in another spot, but despite not sounding good yet, I was just so excited that I was able to sing such high notes in a relatively more consistent way than I was just 2 months ago, that I had to post it so you guys could let me know everything I need to fix, and most importantly, if I am in the right path.

    Many thanks in advance and keep on rocking! :cool:

  10. Hey guys, I tried to upload my vocal cover of Skid Row's I Remember You to Soundcloud and it was automatically blocked because it could contain the copyright content of I Remember You by Peter Principles. I tried changing the file name, but did not work. Is there a way to get around this, or maybe you could suggest another site where I could upload my covers.

    Thanks in advance

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