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TMV World Legacy Member
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About Aplusk

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  1. I didn't like it because no one can sing like the vocalist in this band.
  2. Послушай мои песни, пожалуйста! я вокалом не занимался никогда, просто петь люблю. Как думаешь, чего не хватает в моем голосе или что лишним было? вот ссылка на тему http://themodernvocalist.punbb-hosting.com/viewtopic.php?id=7266
  3. I'm not a singer and never heard this song, but i love how you sing. Very calm
  4. Hi! I'm 20 y.o., from big red country! (therefore I have an accent) First off, read this information, then listen to the songs, then leave feedback. Thank you! 1) I'm not a singer , never really learnt how to sing. 2) Although, I'm a good guitar-player, it's my speciality. 3) I love singing. But, I've never sung to any1, I always sing alone because afraid of critique. 4) After listening, pls tell me, what am i lack of in my voice. What I need to add/remove? I'm going to sing on parties, tell me, if it's a bad idea now or not. Pls, leave replies, everybody! I need a lot of feedback. http://rghost.ru/46570215 http://rghost.ru/46570363
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