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About MrSomber

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  1. Hey thanks for the advice. I'm aware of this "singer's accent" thing, but I find it hard to nail down properly. I guess I have to practice more. I feel like if I compress my voice to make it a solid tone, it would get too nasally or lack good "thickness" to it. I want to emulate an airy kind of breath because it's what I like hearing when I listen to others. I know it sounds I'm forcing my voice rather than developing my own, but I think I can do it without causing damage to my vocal chords. Again, thanks a lot. I'd love to hear some more replies.
  2. IMHO, your voice sounds lovely. I'm not particularly knowledgeable about the genre but it your voice suits the rest of the instruments. I wish I could give you a good critique but I'm just an average guy. All I can say is your pitch, rhythm, articulation is very good.
  3. In the verse there are times where you sound off-pitch. Specifically, you're usually flat. The chorus part is pretty good though but the pitch gets inconsistent again when you sing words with a lot of syllables quickly.
  4. Hey guys, For a few years now I've been just singing random songs for fun but lately I wanted to get a little more serious with it. However, I honestly hate my voice. There's something about it that makes me think its nasally and too "pure", with no quality to it. Yet whatever I do to get rid of it, it sounds unnatural and forced. I'm also beginning to think the whole problem has to do with my Asian (specifically, Vietnamese) accent and how I enunciate words. There's also this tone about my voice that I see in a lot of other Asians as well. I know it may sound stereotypical but I feel it's like how one can tell if it's a white or black person singing. I think I'm referring to timbre? Here's a voice clip of me singing an R&B song by Chris Brown called "With You": http://vocaroo.com/i/s1LwVtudSTMg Its quality pretty bad...and my singing is probably too. I recorded it while driving lol and I know I have pitch problems but I don't think that's necessarily related to my singing technique. I'd really love to hear what you guys have to say. I want to be at least decent enough to sing without sounding so ridiculous. Thank you
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