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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by EnKay

  1. Dear Clint Torres, you are right about it being the wrong question. Let me rephrase - will I be able to improve my voice to a level deemed acceptable or even good by my listeners? I ask because I write poems and songs, which others consider to be of quality, but I would like to sing them as well while I play guitar. The singing part is something I doubt others would enjoy The reason why I sang silently is what you have said, also correctly - I don't know how to let my voice go and how to keep that tone while also keeping strength and expression. It seems as though I can only sing decently when I sing silently or, as you have said, as if I'm in a church To summarise, are you saying that I do have potential to one day be an okay, listenable singer?
  2. A wonderful rendition of a wonderful song. I like the tone of your voice, very fitting for traditional pop, I would say.
  3. Surely, you jest? I was expecting comments like "please never open your mouth again". This positively surprised me. I always wanted to sing, but also thought I was hopeless. You are not just being kind?
  4. Dear forum members, I'm not a singer and probably never wll be, but with a glimmer of hope, I ask of you to tell me completely honestly - is my voice manageable or should I completely give up singing? Should I take vocal lessons and possibly one day be an okay singer or should I just forget it? Thank you! Here's the link - http://vocaroo.com/i/s0UTznX0kwyc
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