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Everything posted by SoftserveSodium

  1. http://vocaroo.com/i/s00KbTHR7Vky http://vocaroo.com/i/s0rHEzZBWIYu here's some examples, whatever error I'm making pokes it's head out briefly. These clips are after a day of rest for my voice. Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it.
  2. I've been singing ever since I was a kid, but only really seriously practicing for maybe 4 years now. Through singing every day, my voice has improved SO much, and I love the way I sound, but lately my vibrato has been sounding less full and it's a little bit harder to do. Singing is a habit and a coping mechanism to me, and so I'd actually have to make an effort to stop singing and give my voice a rest, and I would really like to find an alternate solution if I can. This seems to happen to me every time my allergies get bad but I'm always afraid I'll mess my voice up somehow. It doesn't really hurt but it can get slightly sore. What's the best thing to do? Give my voice a break, do vocal exercises or just wait it out? Is there any possibility that I'm in danger of messing my voice up somehow?
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