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Watch Over You - Alter Bridge (cover)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

TMV!!! Hey!!! :D

So I've been at Tech Music School, London, for five weeks now and have honestly not learnt loads (vocal technique wise) from the teachers. However, due to all of the practice and hanging around with people (all better than me) and playing constantly, I feel I've improved.

Now I had to send this to a friend so he could show his band and then they'll let me in (hopefully).

I can't afford expensive musical recording software and fancy editing and stuff (you try being a music student in London) so I just used my dictaphone. So the recording quality sort of sucks. Plus this was all one take, no editing and stuff (because I'm here for feedback, not to show off). Also some of the notes are flat... "But it was NEVER ENOUGH..." That capitalised bit, yeah it's flat. This course has me singing all day, I'm a little tired :)

Also that chorus top note is probably off too...


So click this and tell me what you think.

I appreciate your time, honesty and (maybe) flattery.



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds pretty good. You sing the second chorus with more power than the first, the first might have needed a touch more support. Love this song, and that singer is awesome! I think Myles head voice during the "who" part is very soft, and you got that feel also. Overall great job on a great song! Get a freeware version of cakewalk or something - that way you can do some backups too! :) I'll have to listen to the original again to tell you anymore, it's been at least a year lol. I'll have to knock the dust off the CD....


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