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Would appreciate an honest critique - style is soft rock / indie

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Please take a listen to a few videos @ http://www.youtube.com/micwellssongs . Is my singing on-key? Do you have suggestions for my voice & style? is it pleasant or unpleasant? There are covers and originals.. If you listen to more than one is there one you didn't like or one you especially liked? These are live recordings i have studio recordings at http://www.reverbnation.com/michaelwellssongwriter Thanks so much!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Listened to "The ones i love". I think the music is amazing. Your voice tone is quite uncommon, I like it. I also like your phrasing, doesn't sound off key to me. Very nice indeed.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Very nice. I enjoyed that. Pleasant is the word...very. Nice tone and style. "Horse With No Name." It was good, but for me, it strayed just a touch too far from the original melody. That song is truly recognizable by its melody and some songs (for me) should remain as close as possible. But that is just a matter of taste and very subjective. :)

Excellent stuff. When I get time I'll have to listen to more. Now that's saying something because this is not my usual music style/taste. :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


I'm talking to the majority of singers not only you. Sorry got carried away here !! LOL

You would be so good at songs like You've got a friend and so many more songs ! Your tone is great! But for God sake LIVE YOUR SONG ! Chew those words, mean every word you sing and you will see a big difference when you play back. It will built your confidence and passion about singing.

Check this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BePDQ5iFi88, check his face, his head tilting, his smile, his eyebrows, his body language giving emotion to the voice and to the story of the song.

listen to yourself while you sing .... make yourself feel as if you where in the story of the song

Get more free tips and techniques on my web site www.thesingingjudge.com



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for the replies!!! keep 'em coming! I appreciate all suggestions, positive and negative. That is good advice about "living the song" . I have been playing online in second life and in most cases, not live video, but through an avatar. My audience fluctuates so greatly. Sometimes the response is awesome, and sometimes it is difficult to get people to show up. So basically .. you are saying the delivery is too flat. Well i think it is good advice Thanks. I hope to perform live or on video more often so i really need to bone up on the performance of a song.

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