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9 Crimes - Damien Rice

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm sorry that you were in the mood of 9 Crimes, its such a depressing song!

Overall not terrible, very pitchy, and some diction can use work. Vocally, you leave out a lot of the little breathy endings to words that really convey the emotion behind the song, might want try to add them in.

You got very pressed when you got into your upper range, going from very belty to falsetto over and over is not a pleasing sound, it sounds like you're capable of full voicing those notes, you're just tensing up too much.

Overall, needs improvement, but is definitely not awful, you have a good voice, it just needs work!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I went back and listened to the recording, and yes, it is pretty pitchy. It definitely doesn't help that I don't sing this song frequently. It was a very spur of the moment thing. I would like to think that I can be more in pitch even if I don't know the song in and out, but hey, I can work on it. I have trouble being loose in my high range. I feel anxious whenever I sing up there because I'm afraid my voice is going to break. Any tips? Or maybe the key is just too high.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

thats the thing with singing high...you cant hesitate on it. You don't want to push...its more of a flip into your upper register. But if you don't GO for it, you're going to miss it, every time.

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