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Hey guys! Some metal for ya!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys, I've been lurking here for a while and now that I'm singing again (stopped for a couple years), I figured I'd come back with something I'm looking for criticism on. I did this as an audition piece, (kind of), for my former bass player's band.


It was recorded with the most basic, not-supposed-to-be-used-for-vocals equipment...(singing through a guitar amp simulator on a clean setting). All the reverb/delay is coming from Garageband presets. I know it's a no-no, but this entire song was recorded sitting down on my couch.

Looking forward to any and all feedback, good or bad!

Thanks for your time!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Very good.

Can't find much bad to say which couldn't be fixed with better recording equipment.

I don't recognize the song?

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

You wouldn't recognize it unless you've been to a lot of local shows in the South Florida earlier and caught the band with their former singer, who sounds NOTHING like me. He was more a death/brutal metal guy and only utilized his clean voice 15% of his time....the band, as well as myself, would rather do something that's the total opposite.

I improvised about 90% of this song, lyrically and melody wise. All in all, I only spent about 2-3 hours recording it.

I'm actually heading into the studio later today to do some more work for these guys. We're testing the waters with each other to see if we can do come up with something we both really dig.

Thanks for listening guys, I really appreciate it!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Maybe they were used to a more gravelly singer but I think your voice fits in fine. You have good articulation, allowing the audience to understand the lyrics and sing along. And when listeners can sing along, they have an easier time thinking about buying the album.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

They indeed were used to a more gravelly singer. He only did death metal stuff and added a couple clean lines here and there. The past couple bands I've sang in, I screamed probably 75% of the time so this is a nice break for me....and I'm definitely pushing myself mentally with phrasing/melodies A LOT more than I have in the past.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thre's a thread in the technique section about phrasing being the secret sauce. And I think it is. Plus, Felipe is always strong about developing a line in the vocal presentation. A tonality and ambience that remains consistent throughout. And those matter more than the highest note. Some of my favorite singers cannot do an A5. But the strength of their performance is the stuff of legend and legacy.

So, be that guy, as you already are. Stick with your phrasing and articulation.

Like, for example, "Six Feet Under" by Creed. Scott Stapp is a self-described baritone. And the song is neither high nor low. But the power of the song is everlasting.

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