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Looking for objective and subjective criticism in these recordings.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I love to sing and would really like to share these recordings I have made over these last months.

I haven't uploaded anything for a while to my Soundcloud, but will do eventually,as I have just acquired Brett Manning's programs and started more or less a week ago with the excercises and stuff and would like to wait a month or two before uploading "with the changes" heheh.

I'd like to have other more "rock/metal oriented" programs like Rob's or Kevin Richard's approach, but this is what I have for now and I am aware of the pros and cons Brett's method has.

That is my channel. I would infinitely appreciate any kind of comment, opinions, advice...

Thanks in advance :)

EDIT : I recommend from those recordings... Sailorman's Hymn, War Inside My head, About to Crash, Hollow Years and Vacant :) To make it a bit easier and don't make you hear everything, lol.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I liked the stuff you did. And I can see you favor the balladic stuff one can find in prog metal. DT is certainly prog metal and the one thing guaranteed is that no one album sounds like another. Which is the bane of prog metal. You put out an album everyone likes and get some fans. Then you put out a different album and lose the old fans and get new ones. Ay, carumba!

Anyway, you have the right voice for ballads. Some of the modern singing systems, like 4 Pillars, Breaking the Chains, and Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy can teach you a little distortion, if that is what you are looking for. Otherwise, I would say your voice is fine, the way it is. You sound like you have easy access to your whole range and that is a blessing. Some of the prog metal I have liked does not have a lot of growl or rasp in it. In fact, I would liken it to modern classical music with different instrumentation, but arias and art songs, nevertheless.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks a lot for your opinion :P

Indeed I like a lot the ballad side of prog metal and power metal bands such as Sonata Arctica, for example. My problem is that although I love the heavy side of it too I don't have the range to access those songs yet.

Distortion would be nice to learn and it will certainly add a different feel to some songs I like, but for now it is not my priority :P

As I said, I wanna really improve my range, high and low notes.. as that would give me more freedom.

Thanks a lot, again, for posting :D I will keep working hard ! \m/

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