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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Peter Cetera is a hard act to follow. And i think you did well on this. Good job.

  • TMV World Legacy Member


Tough song to sing! ;)

Have you heard about vowel modification? You need to narrow your vowels a bit, at least for now. You are too heavy: vowel splatting, larynx coming up, often a little flat or scooping on high notes. Narrowing your vowels will bring you more towards a mix, making it less shouty and easier to sing.

Hope this helps,


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Nick,

Thanks a lot for the comment!

Only recently I have started looking into vowel modification, that is doing it on purpose - I think we all need to do it to a certain degree to keep connected at higher pitches. Needless to say I'm far from having it all figured out. Still working on coming up with a recipe that checks out every time... Yup, you spotted the main problems dead on, splatting/high larynx/distortion on high notes.

I'll keep working on it :)

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