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New guy here and my first critique..."Through the Glass" by Stone Sour

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

First time at the site and it's amazing!! Was looking for help with vocal fatigue and it led me here!!

Please be gentle...


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I didn't find anything in what I listen to critique about your voice, it's pretty much your style of music and suits you very well! really well done!:D if you are worried about voice fatigue, my tip is: and it's because I sing all the time lol, and sometimes I push too hard in my voice when I'm practicing or when I want too hard reach some big note and my vocals get tired at some point, specially when I use too much my throat, you need to find your type of voice when you use your throat, your diaphragm, your stomach, your head voice, it change your vocals but can also protect your vocal chords, to not using allways your throat to sing. I use my diaphragm to sing high notes, and normally I use my belly in to sustain them, and for low notes I use my throat but with my belly out to sustain them :) but it's just my way to sing. you will find your way to sing that suits your style of music and your preferences. If you use to sing sitting on a chair you will force too much your vocal chords too, because you will not have the same voice projection, will force you to use your throat more than it is necessary to project your voice, because you can't use properly the other parts of your body to sing well. so sing standing it will help you too. keep doing the great job! :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Those are actually some good reviews. Because it can be difficult for some people to listen to a performance and NOT compare to the original. Corey is a lower-centered voice, though he can do some high notes and that signature growl.

So, to carry this song in a different voice and have it well-received is also a good thing.

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