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  • TMV World Legacy Member

hi! I've been practicing guitar since 1 month ago and try to sing at the same. despite the fact the guitar is pitchy, sorry for that, I will be careful next time ;) those are my attempts:

- I'm feeling good

- my original (translation in the description)

- my original (translation in the description)

- my original (translation in the description) sorry for the high parts :P epic fail moments :)

thank you for watching :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

The cover song was okay, though your Amy Winehouse take on it was a jolt I was unprepared for.

I liked better your originals, where you have kind of an Aguilera and Pink sound in your voice, primarily because you are articulating and punctuating with glottal stops. But please, please, please, tune the guitar. It is distracting.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

hi! thank you so much for the feedback! it really means a lot! :D

yeah sorry for the guitar part :/ now it's better :) i guess xP

but my rythm kinda mess up I know xP but I'm working on that :)

I tune my guitar everyday now and even I only record after the practice, I hope it's not sounding that bad :P

A lot of people compares my voice to Amy, I allways hope that it's not a bad critique xD since I love her first years before she ruined her life and voice with drugs and stuff like that... but I prefer not to ask just for safety precautions xD

But Pink and Aguilera it's the first time, I like them a lot too specially Pink's voice :D

yeah I do lot of glottal stops, it's kinda natural, like the head voices and other voice vices :P but allways try to temper that :) it's kinda annoying after a while listening the same efects over and over again...

I put the first videos since my voice kinda break a little when I playing and I can't focus a lot in the voice part because I need to sit down to play... :P

  • TMV World Legacy Member

These last two, you sound more like pink. Of the two, I really the first. "Capitulo de Vida" essa muy buena, muy bonita.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

thank you so much :D even it's in european portuguese xD I know sometimes can be confused with spanish :)

I like Pink vibe a lot ;) even I could never attempt her raspy voice without ruin mine :P she has a rocker voice :D

  • TMV World Legacy Member

My apologies. I learned mexican Spanish, which is shorten from castillian, so, it's less european than Portuguese.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

No problem at all :D I just like to explain like a human wikipedia xD

by the way I like mexican spanish, it is better than castillian for me to listen and understand eheh :P

Even though I love my language, that "mistake" it's not something that put me mad at all, in fact I see it like kinda fun, because not even a single one spanish speaker can understand european portuguese, but will allways be considered, for the outsiders, as another way to speak spanish xD

and I can't pass the fact that portuguese language has their ooooooold old roots in north Spain spanish, (gallego spanish) and Portugal and Spain share the same Peninsule, and a small part of their Histories.

Only who visit both countries can clearly see the diferences :) in the languages and even more in the cultures :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Your performance is good but it would be better if you know how to take it to next level. Learning the theory of playing them together also helps. :D

So, luckily I've written a post about this topic: How to Sing While Playing Guitar at the same time :P

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

thank you so much for the feedback and tips :D I loved your article! I have the same struggles and I will practice even more!

I practice my guitar and my songs and cover some others :D I'm start to learn some rythms in the guitar and to use the metronome all the time :) it's very usefull :) but I just started to learn how to play guitar, in fact, I'm using the guitar so soon in my practicing only to not sing my songs a capella xD

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