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Critique My Vocals (Again :) )

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys, so I know I've started a couple of others threads in the past few weeks about critiquing my vocals and I've really been trying to focus on the advice that I was given. So, I've decided to upload a new clip for critiquing to see what everyone thinks now that I've maybe spruced up my technique a little bit (or maybe not..heh). But really though, if anyone thinks I need work please let me know, I want to become the best vocalist that I can possibly be and need any tips or advice or compliments at all. The track has a small amount of reverb on it if anyone wants to know. Thanks guys, it really means a lot to me:

Something I Need (OneRepublic Sample):


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I can't listen to it :/ Seems like people's been having issues listening to my things on SoundCloud too... I hope they fix this thing soon.

Same here !!! What is their PROBLEM @ SoundCloud ???

In fact, I created a topic on this very issue.... I created an account @ SoundCloud so I could listen to all the songs uploaded by our members here at TMV World, and now I can't listen to them ??? :mad:

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

That's odd...I've had soundcloud do the same thing to me a couple times when clicking on a user's profile, so it must be something internal. Haven't had the problem since yesterday though, so I'm not too certain as to what's going on..will look into it

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  • Administrator

It says user not found, i can hear songs from other users though, maybe somthings wrong with your account?

No, it's not MEvans account. Some of our other members are having the same problem.

The issue is with SoundCloud !

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys, try this link and see if it works. I re-recorded the cover for someone and thought I'd throw it up here as well. Thanks for your time, means a lot


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