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Dream Theater - Wait for Sleep

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

A different approach with my voice, very far from the last song I shared with you guys.

I hope you like it.

Can someone give me any suggestions too, as to what else can I do in the post-recording process (with Audacity) ?

I am only using Noise Removal, Leveller, and in this case an almost imperceptible amount of Echo.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice tone and the vibrato is quite good. I quite enjoyed it.

I honestly think you should just work on opening your mouth and using proper support. I kept thinking throughout this that I was waiting for you to open your mouth and start belting but it never happened, and I think that is a technical problem, not an artistic choice. Even though it is a sensitive song and it should not be over done.

You can clearly go through your passagio and sing quite nicely throughout your low to medium-high range but we want to hear you and hear more of your voice!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you very much, Mr Bounce :)

I have always felt like my sound is very "close-mouthed", which gives a lyrical quality that I don't quite like. You can hear my cover of Warrior of Ice by Rhapsody here on the forum ( or here if you want https://app.box.com/s/ry0kk6x7hxjiu1i4ztfu ), to know more about my voice. Which I would appreciate very much, as any techical advice means a lot to me.

I am currently working on fold closure, and a more brassy sound, which would give me more resonance and power on my high range.

I've been working on it for 3 months, so being able to sing on mix there is quite an achievement for me haha.

Please listen to that song if you have time.

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