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  • TMV World Legacy Member


i want to know if i am in my mixed voice or whatever they call it, or if i'm just pulling up chest.

what should i work on?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It's not bad man but with a song that low the only time you would use mixed voice is in the "F" on "song" and the "G" on "let her into your heart". On both of those notes you seemed to scoop the note from the bottom and they sounded a bit strained so I would assume that you're still pulling up chest voice. My advice to you is to approach pitches mentally from the top own rather then the bottom up to eliminate the slide. Use arpeggio's and leaps to improve your full voice range, this works because by the time you know you've hit the note you're already off it so it usually cuts down on tension. Things like this take a lot of time and voice lessons from a qualified coach are always worth it, keep at it man!:)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Eleet raises some good points. I noticed a floating approach to a note, something I have been pointed out on, as well. I received good advice to hit the pitch exactly, rather than slide up to it. And really, that's just a stylistic point, as far as I can tell, mainly because it's all too tempting and easy to compare to the original.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I wouldn't say this is a rock/metal forum but when you talk about mixed voice you are talking about higher range stuff that uses a lot of head voice. Unless you are a baritone or a bass you shouldn't have to use head voice until about an "F" or F#", singing simply takes time don't listen to the people who say you don't need years of practice and training because they themselves have usually put in year's of time into their voice. Just keep singing and work on freeing your voice of tension and bad habits (we ALL fight with our voices;)).

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