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Please tell me how to improve my singing - Radiohead: High and Dry

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Radiohead think they are above this song, but I think it is really good. Thanks for covering it.


Anyway, it sounds like you are using a lot of air which can make it difficult to control the voice compared to if you use air and let the vocal folds come a bit closer together. I still enjoyed it, even though it's raw, and could use polishing. I can hear genuine emotion in the performance and it's a song I can sing emotionally, and relate to emotionally when you sing it.


But my best advice to you would be to learn how to control the amount of air in your breath. The "H" sound taken to an extreme like in a whisper, is one extreme. On the other, if  If you say a vowel, very very fast. like "uh oh.' You might notice that it might not be super breathy. If you extend that sound, you can bring it more into a singing voice.


If you do it fast enough, you might hear a little clicking sound, which would be your vocal cords clicking together too quickly. Which can be used stylistically, but if  you put an 'invisible' tiny H can cushion it. The key is to always try to find comfortable ways that don't strain, because it is also possible for people to over do it.


So yeah, I think that would be a good goal. Supporting well is a good one too (inhale in a straw, exhale a hiss for as long as you can, and feel the area below your chest and above your stomach activate). Controlling support and emission can take people pretty far, but it's probably a good base line before getting too fancy.


Anyway, thanks covering a song I like and singing it passionately. :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

You are singing too low in volume and the are under the guitar. And you are off pitch. You need to hear yourself, relative to the music. Then memorize what that "feeling" is. You have a nice tone, what I could hear of it and I want to hear more of it. A little trick. If you are recording and monitoring through head phones then do this: Increase the treble on the guitar track and pan to one ear. Then, pull the headphone can off the other ear. The reason being that your voice will follow what you are hearing and if what you are hearing is too bassy, it will pull you down.


Sweeten the mix in monitor, remove one can so that you can get some room presence in the uncovered ear.

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