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Alice in chains - Down in a hole cover

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I LOVE this song!!


I gave it a couple of listens and liked it very much. :4: Your voice has such a warm tone that suits your piano accompaniment perfectly. The part from 0:41 to 1:09 was the best vocally in my opinion as you added volume and expression to the lyrics. Maybe increase that intensity for the chorus as I felt like it built up and up, then brought it back down for the chorus. Could you sing the chorus an octave higher? Easier said than done I know, but I feel like the piece would sky rocket through the roof if you upped the ante at that chorus! :bang:

One final thing, I detected an accent so would assume English isn't your first language - The "b" in the words "womb" and "tomb" is silent.


Regarding your final question about teenagers developing mixed voice; I can't give you a definite answer but I imagine if you typed in "teenager sings" on YouTube you'd probably find thousands of videos of young people with extraordinary range, tone and control of their voice. If they can do it you can too!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey,thanks for the reply and detailed feedback :D ! 
I  tried it but it doesn't sound good , it's too high for me,and yes,I'm not a native speaker .

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