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  1. How can you tell it's autotuned? :/

    I was impressed by the songs and I thought the singing was good. If I had one critique it would be that I found them too wordy. I think there is a way (I don't know how...it would take some imagination) to configure the lyrics so they favor good vowel placement or a bit more melodic etc. For example, and this is just an example mind you. In Thank you "you have given me all you can" to me sounds like too many words and I personally, if I were singing it, can't really feel the music in my voice for the word "given." Maybe " You gave me all you had" or something? Good stuff though. Did you write that music also?

    By the way, speaking of music. I thought the vocals in Now Is the Time started early or off the beat or somehting. Could be just me though.

    Again....good stuff though. I'm just nit picking. :)

  2. Negoba,

    I can't remember the exact words or part of the song at the moment and I'm at work and can't listen at this time to give a specific. But in general what I meant by floating was where the onset of certain words was muted or not there. Or where the end of the word sort of just faded off (floated) rather than a defined ending and not for stylistic reasons but just letting the note fade. Some words, imo, need a more defined onset and others just need a clearer pronunciation without floating through the word. Define the note? I don't know how to word it. I think somewhere around 2:35 (I can't get a clear sound at work on this computer) "Sunny days I thought "would" never end. I think you floated by the "W" on would. Like I said...can't be sure here at work. I think it was the last 1/4 of the song that sort of got a little bit like words were cut or running into each other...or softened a bit. For me...and keep in mind this is "for me" and possibly meaningless for anyone else. I can't get the oo sound on "would" to sound peoperly (for a solid note) without that "W." Like getting a running start!

    I hope that makes at least some sense. Then again I sometimes have my own way of singing...lol.

  3. I don't think you have a bad tone to your voice and you can probably do this song better; but once again, similar to other recent songs posted here in the last couple of days, enunciation. IMO how you use certain words and how you pronounce them, enunciate them, feel them. sing them. Some words get cut short...not good. "If you don't have a song it's ok." The "OK" was almost nonexistent. Rushed. Then at "you know how to get along humming." You didn't separate the words along and humming so "humming" sounded like gumming.

    Little things like that are not so little as they seem and can ruin a song. They become big things. Kind of like laying floor tiles. If one is off by just 1/4 an inch, by the time you finish the floor the whole thing is crooked and up to an inch off.

    Take a good breath and support through the line making each word count. This song has a sort of waltz feel to it (maybe it has to do with the title) and it has that waltz type flow. Maybe because there was no music to yours. I can't be sure. But it didn't have the waltzy feel.

    Almost there. Try doing it (or something else) to music. :) Acapella is tough.

  4. The consistency is harder to know exactly. I know I was a bit flat in places, and I lost a little resonance in places. Is that what you're talking about? Tone is what I want to work on most.

    No, not pitch or being flat or sharp. I mean consistency as far as lows and highs and the melody line. Some parts are strong while others not so much or at times weak. This gives the melody line a wobble so to speak. Kind of hard to put into text.

    Once again, nice job though. I like your voice and that is a great song. I think with some tweaking you can do it really well. :)

  5. You know what? If we skip any technical issues, that was really nice. :) I think that once you iron a few things out you will be a fine singer with an interesting tone. I can't wait to hear you a year from now! My main issues were the pronunciation of some words. I didn't like "rememba" at the beginning rather than remember. Other words toward the end seem floated and not clearly enunciated. The other issue for me was inconsistency. The song wobbled here and there and wasn't consistent in level and notes. If that makes any sense at all to you :)

    But nice tone for my taste. I wonder how it would sound raised in pitch a bit.

  6. I don't know what to say :D Wow!

    Well, it's not my type of music or singing preference, but that has nothing to do with the fact that you can do that and do it well. The ending was wild...higher...and higher....and higher again!!!

    More power to ya, bro!

    I would agree with others who has said if you could also learn to clean up your voice (sing clean) and mellow out at some points adding texture I think it would really highlight your power. Well, maybe learn was a bad choice of words...maybe you already know how but choose not to. :)

  7. I agree with Vocalist dad on the word pronunciation. Also, what goes with that is the formation of the words. Some of the consonants were too pronounced. Overall I thought it sounded decent and felt it had the potential to be worked into a good recording with some polishing and technique. At around 2:41 and I thing 2:59....I can't remember...it sounded like you may have ran out of gas just a little...maybe more support.

    Good job :)

  8. First off let me say, props to Max for obvious reasons. This is a great recording :) Excellent job man!

    Now for the downside. At least in my opinion. I have seen this happen in a quite a few threads and it always baffles me. It has become kind of a pet peeve and I don't quite understand it. Why do people use someone else's thread to post there own song? I have seen quite a few instances where someone posts a song recording only to have someone else post here own version for comparison. C'mon now...this is their thread and it isn't about comparisons. I can't help thinking that when someone does that it is only to bring attention to there own singing.

    Give it a break man....start your own thread. Or if you have posted the song before and are feeling like you haven't got your share of attention then re post it. Don't use someone else's thread. Have some class man!!!

  9. Here is a better link

    As for your question, the short answer is no. Now, I don't say that to be mean or that you don't sing well. I only mean that as I said; as the short answer. That's because you gave us the short sample. It's one of two things. Either you're afraid to sing and so you didn't let go on the recording, therefore you wouldn't make it on stage; or you screwed up the recording and the vocals were too low. In that case we just need a better recording :)

    On the first recording I waited 1/4 of the song for the vocals to start finally realizing they had been already playing. The others were not much better. If you're not projecting then that's a problem. If it is a recording issue then there isn't a way to give a good response.

    How about starting over :)

  10. I agree with Keith but I will add something. Your vocal sample can be replaced with about a dozen others I have listened to here. It seems quite common for potential singers to come in and post a similar sample. Almost the same voice actually. Timid, quiet, no backing music, breathy, unrefined.

    The vocal isn't bad, as Keith said, but at the same time it is untrained. Like the other samples some post here you aren't singing. What I mean is you are holding back and only showing part of your voice. The sample should play as if it were a CD and someone took the music out and left only the vocals. It is not. It is more like you are shy and trying to whisper the song. You can't be a singer unless you are willing to commit to a song. Sing it :)

    You didn't sing bad...but you have to sing it like you mean it. And then you have to work on the techniques that will make you sound like you know what you are doing. it is one thing to sing for someone and have them say "not bad." It's another to have them go "wow" and want you to sing more. ;)

  11. Tommy, just wanted to confirm: are you signed up as a band/artist with SoundClick?

    Just an artist. If you have a band then put band. it doesn't really matter much. Whatever fits you best. Signed/unsigned...whatever. :)

    I think everything is just a formality. Upload your song, hit the edit button and add the info asked for like who wrote the song, any comments, etc. there is a dropdown box to add genre. Example: Rock, Rock cover songs, Rock general, etc.

  12. Your post is kind of incomplete. Normally people come here and ask if we think they can sing or do we think it is worth while for them to pursue singing. Some ask for help with certain issues. You really didn't ask anything. You only said you've never let any one hear you sing and you wouldn't be upset if we don't like it.

    So now what? :D Your voice has a nice sound but nice sound doesn't equate to good singing. You weren't off pitch, which is good, but then again the song wasn't very melodic and without knowing that song I don't know if it was the song or you. Are you looking to learn how to sing? Or are you asking the forum if they think you already can? Having a nice sound and tone is one thing but if you want to learn how to turn that into a "voice" well then there is work involved. There are many here who can help guide you.

    I think you have potential to sound very nice if you learn what to do with your voice. But you would have to choose a song that has a better melody line and really sing it. Then ask what you can do to improve and in what area's you may be lacking. :)

    Welcome and good luck.

  13. You say you find it hard to judge yourself. By the examples you gave here it is hard for us also. :) I say this because you are not singing imo. I don't mean this in a bad way...I don't mean "That's not singing" as if you can't. what I do mean is that you are "talking" rather than singing. You are speaking softly with a little added melody.

    For that reason no one can really tell what you are truly capable of. What you are doing is guarding against mistakes by singing low and if you don't let it out, and show the goods and the bads, well then how can you get an honest answer? :)

    There are many details and smaller parts to singing than just singing or reciting the words. Phrasing is one. the lines have to be put together in an interesting and musical way. feeling, emotion, volume, highs and lows.

    How about another example and this time let go!!!! Sing! :D Your voice isn't bad...but you're not letting it out.

  14. Ok...this just isn't right!!:D This seems to be a popular song that crosses genre's and it gets posted often. Usually to some decent comments. When I posted my version it drifted off the first page before one person commented and has since disappeared and died a lonely death....what's up with that? Was it that bad? :o

    :lol: Just kidding....no biggie.

    I liked your version. I know English probably isn't your first language and that is why the pronunciation was bad. But other than that it wasn't bad. Nice job.

  15. I liked it :) You have a nice tone to your voice. I would liked to hear a little more bite on the opening line "At last" though, but that might be just personal taste. It is the two words that open the song and also the title. It is her crying out "At Last." It says listen to my story. And it sets up the rest of the song. Also the vowel on the first "last" (the At Last ) at the start was a bit too closed imo.

    Very nice though, good job,

  16. I don't think your voice is irritating and I think it would actually sound nice if you were to get it to resonate a bit. You are singing so low down in chest voice that you're getting nothing from your voice. Look around for info on getting into head voice. I personally believe in working top down. Everything in head. It's just a matter of higher and lower. Close those cords man! Get the voice resonating in the pharyngeal area, All those nice holes in your head. Did you think they were for breathing? No way...they are for making beautiful sound! ;)

    You need to learn support (breath support). There is a boat load of info on that in the Techniques section. Get some books. And you need to separate chest and head voice and also find a midpoint. But right now I'd say get the voice up in your nasal passages.

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