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  1. Here is a clip of me doing an impromptu karaoke of Eric Clapton's "Running On Faith."

    Somewhere around a minute or 1:10 into the song my wife, who is filming, starts singing along for the rest of the song. :D oops!

    The woman at the bar to my left (I look at her every once and awhile) is holding a camera or smartphone and filming also. I don't know her.

    I happened to wander down to that area just before going back to my room to sleep. I was at a club upstairs earlier. It was 12:30 am. I figured I'd sing a song and handed in my slip as someone else closed their song. I was called immediately and turns out I was the last singer. I closed the show. Just made it...lol


  2. I missed this one. Well, not really. But I skipped it because I thought it was an old post someone resurrected and I had responded to already. I could have sworn you did this song already...must have been someone else.

    Anyway, I must be getting old. I don't like the song bro. You did great singing it. I just don't like that kind of music. :) The clean parts were good. The gritty parts were good but only for those into that kind of singing. I personally don't get it :D Old I guess! You have such a great voice and (for me) that is what I want to hear. Your tone and texture. But you did a good job none the less. Good singing, not my type of music.

    But hey. Most songs I post aren't appealing to most here so we're even :D

    I have no singing or technical tips for you. Ha ha...that was a joke man ;)

  3. Here is a little karaoke I had done that my wife recorded. The video is a bit dark though and kind of busy (dinner crowd). The mic had a bad connection and cuts out once.

    My wife's poor video work. I have a couple more videos and one is Claptons "Running on Faith" but she sings along through the whole video while she is filming. Doh!!:D


  4. Well, I am recording illiterate myself but...:D

    I record through an interface which allows me to use my mic through my computer. Right? And it also allows me to plug my headphones into the interface. So! All the music is playing through the interface (and computer) well....they are "interfaced!!!" :D So on the interface there are control knobs. One to control gain, and two for volume levels. One works the music coming in and one works the mic volume so I can hear my voice louder and less music or more music and less voice, and anything in between. I don't see how anyone can record without these components. I suck at recording but would be worse without them!!! lol

  5. Lol...you missed my point Ron ole' boy. What I said was "we aren't looking for a guitar (or any other instrument player) at the moment. He would like to do another couple of songs but remain just us too. Actually, I thought the whole thing was a bit of work so I have no problem with just harp and vocals for the moment.

    So there are no feelings to be hurt. There won't be any Geno or Chavie either.... or anyone else. :D Not right now at least.

  6. For video segment, just use the pic of my dog. He is more photogenic than I am. Or, I will send you the pic of my Flying V, which is what I would plan to play on, anyway.

    Ok I swear I didn't use this late response just to bump up my video :D C'mon now....singers are cut throat and always pushing in front of the next guy. I don't believe for a minute that on any of those American Idol or X-Factor shows that the singers really care so much about the next guy. That's not how you win and that's not how you make it. So, so what if I bumped my video? :rolleyes:

    Actually, I ran this by my partner in crime and at the moment he wants to keep it a duo so as not to complicate things anymore. (whatever that means). Although I have a track or two that could benefit from a guitar solo or two. Oh well. "But" that doesn't mean that down the line we can't do something or that things might progress toward that. But right now me and him are a bit at odds as far as taste and direction. Of course I know best but he just won't listen!!! :D

  7. That was good. :) Great job and a beautiful rendition.

    If I had to say one thing as a critique...and it's not even a critique...more of a personal taste thing, it would be accent.

    I mentioned to someone else I have this thing about accents :D I don't mind country music or if a song is meant to sound country and southern accents are placed in there. That's allowed! :D But if it's by accident then it sometimes doesn't fit. I don't know where you are from and if you even have a southern accent but on words with an "I" (an American I like the sound of "eye" not the Italian ee sound) you are giving in the ole' southern sounding "ah." Only in a couple of spots but that is why I point it out. It stood out to me because it didn't match the rest of the song which was not with any accent. I heard it very strong on the word minor at the beginning. "The minor fall." You say the mahner fahl." Unless you were over shading the vowel?" Either way it was too strong. There was another word later "Tied." Tahd.

    Like I said...minor points but as a listener it stands out for me because either the whole song is that way, and then it's ok because I then consider it a country version; or one or two words only for which I think of it as bad pronunciation.

    But I have to close by saying that was really sung well :)

  8. I kinda liked that!:) I thought the guitar was really good. I liked it allot. I liked what you were doing vocally as far as the arrangement and phrasing. However, I have a hard time getting by strong accents. I know that doesn't have much to do with how well or not you sing but for me it's distracting. There were a few bumps vocally after the instrumental break. I thought the first half of the song was better vocally. Mostly based on phrasing, but I like your idea for the arrangement and love the guitar. Your voice is good and has a nice sound/tone. I think you can do this much better :) Overall I liked it.

    I sing this song allot and since finding a better backing track have thought of doing it again (I recorded it here already). But I have never thought of altering the original even though I usually don't do any song the same as the original song. Something about this one that makes me want to leave it as is. But what you did was very interesting. Nice job ;)

  9. I thought that rocked!! That was great....enjoyed it allot. :)

    I got a chuckle fro Thesingingjudge though :D

    You are very good, your tone is unique, you just need more experience...

    But you guys should write your own stuff....

    You guys? lol...I guess she didn't notice that there is no "you guys" and all the instruments and vocals are done by you. :D

    Nice job man.

  10. Yea, I agree. A bit of practice and smoothing out and it should be fine :)

    I know that this was just a sample for something you are going to sing live so you didn't aim to do a perfect recording. But I was wondering if you'd be able to record just the guitar track again at some point but next time with a bit better sound and send it to me so I could take a crack at singing it. Not that the playing wasn't good just that it was a little too sort of echo or distant sounding recording wise.

    I never recorded this song myself for two reasons. One is that I can't find a backing track and the other is that in the original (and I assume if I did find a track) the ending guitar is too long. I don't like to do vocal recordings with long guitar parts (even though I did to Texas Flood :D).

    So whadda ya thin? Or just send me that one. Hey,,,another collaboration? :P

  11. Ok...so just use the same post to bump it up rather than a new post with the same question :) Your voice and tone as well as style sound good. More confidence as well as stronger technique will really boost this. Don't lack the confidence. You have the goods....now put it out there! That will make it really work...believe in it. If you don't believe no one else will. A predator smells fear. Only you can take away the smell.

  12. Hi amatuer. Please take this comment in the spirit it was meant. No offense intended and all the best wishes. But this is the third exact post you've made in probably the last week. Same song and same post wording and smae question. Whats up with that? If I remember correctly (and doing a search of your posts confirms this) all your posts have been similar. I think you sing well (and actually I think I said as much somewhere in one of your other similar posts). But are only a bit untrained and have the potential to do better. However I think I also posted once asking why you post the same post over and over; as you did it before on an original song. Once is enough....no?

  13. Sorry, but that's not a valid argument for me.

    If you study Karate once in a week, you can achieve the black belt in 5y, maybe, even if you don't want to become a MMA professional. Am I wrong? So, in this case, what motivates the practicer?

    I have one pupil in brazilian 'The Voice'. And I have another one that works in a big IT company as Latin American Manager. Who do you think that sings in a higher level?

    The truth is: If you want to do something really good, don't look for shortcuts. What really should motivate you is to know that you can reach higher and it just depends on you.

    But you don't have to believe me... I'm just an old guy that.. sings - and reached the purple belt in Ju Jutsu.


    I can't speak to you about singing like Chris or many others on this forum as I too am only a student. But I can speak to you about learning or training. Using the karate, or martial arts comparison, I can relate. I am now 56 years old and have studied martial arts since I was 11. However, I made my most gains after becoming very serious 30 years ago. By serious I mean by stopping bouncing around to different styles but focusing more on fundamentals (basics) and what makes them tick. This could end up being a very long post so I'll have to cut it short. But, even today in my teaching, I try to get students to be patient and work on the small things. Not one thing or a "special" technique or training technique. Work on many things. Work on them until they build a whole. A house isn't built by a good carpenter or a good hammer swing. It isn't built by learning the perfect way to lay a piece of plywood. It is built by all these things and more combined with that good carpenter, who is good because he has absorbed all these things and made them his own. It's a oneness with all you have mastered. Once you do things without thought it becomes technique. At that point it may not even look like the original technique. But the fundamentals are there. the principles.

    I read through the techniques section a lot and I am amazed. There is a lot of good advice but at the same time I see allot of absorption of that advice to a degree beyond what I think necessary. In my opinion it causes confusion. It is my opinion that at times , some trainees (many) can look so deep at a technique or a "how to" that they actually look passed it thus missing the point. Then it doesn't work for them and it creates more frustration. Sometimes that is what is meant by trying too hard. You can go too far you know.

    I have literally tried to un-train fighters. Well, I should say wannabee fighters, from what I call technique syndrome. They work on technique so much and so "perfect technique" minded that they miss how you have to apply that to the actual task you are training for. They become masters of 'technique' and nothing else. Technique and actual fighting are two different animals as are technique and actually singing.

    Ok...nuff said.

    Back into my hole. :D

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