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Adolph Namlik

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Posts posted by Adolph Namlik

  1. There are a handful of good programs out there Chief, but I have to confess, mine is most certainly one of them... thanks for your kind words, I appreciate getting some support around here... hope you have a good weekend.

    I totally agree, Coach !

    I could add a lot more, but it would be quite a long post. Just want to tell you how I've been spending some of my spare time (of which I have very little), over the past few years since we've known each other. Will fill you in the next time we chat....

    And you are MOST WELCOME !!!

    Enjoy the remainder of the day !!!!!

  2. Think so? Contact me personally at my email and we'll work something out... there is no other program that is going to give you more value... do not move forward with any other program until you review what we are offering at "The Four Pillars of Singing"... read these PDFs below! Do NOT make a hasty decision based on under qualified recommendations from some people on this forum... in this case, this guy is recommending a program they admit , they have never even experienced? Read the PDFs below and then contact me personally, we'll work something out to get you the best program in the world.

    Learn More About the TVS Vocal Training Program:

    "The Four Pillars of Singing”

    Click Links Below:




    I feel the need to add this to Robert's comments :

    Many of our members aren't even aware of Robert Lunte's program, "The Four Pillars of Singing". Talk to him and he can probably work something out for you.

    And, I have yet to see anyone else other than Robert accepting phone calls from his clients when necessary and nearly at ANY time of the day. THAT is DEDICATION !!!


    Give Robert a call.... I assure you he doesn't bite :lol: Sorry, I just had the need to add some humor.

    Personally, I've called him myself many, many times !

    Oh, and if anyone thinks that I'm biased since I'm a part of this forum, then you are DEAD WRONG !!! I'm a "straight shooter", so to speak, and I call it as I see it.... With that said, Robert is very well aware that I've tried other vocal programs myself. See my profile page >> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/profile/AdolphNamlik

    The bottom line is that "Pillars" is the most comprehensive program that I have used and Robert is constantly updating his "product" !!!

  3. My voice is really thin and my range is wanting to say the least. I am hoping this video may shine some light on how I can improve. If anyone can help me I would be very much appreciative! I am not sensitive so let it rain if you'de like.

    - this is a cover of an Amos Lee tune I really enjoy. He is an amazing singer and I would love to be able to do it better justice.

    Looking for help from an extremely professional and EXPERIENCED coach ?

    Look no further than our founder, Mr. Robert Lunte !!!

    Here's his contact information as well as helpful links >>>

    Helpful PDFs about "The Four Pillars of Singing":










    Robert J. Lunte I 425.444.5053







    Note that my vocal expertise would not be as it is today without the assistance of Mr. Lunte !

    A Sincere Welcome to TMV World Aaron.

    Warmest Regards,


  4. Thanks Adolph, my name should be Trenton Eliopoulos.

    Thanks Ron, I always get a smile from your comments. And I went to an American school where many people moved to Greece from America, so yes we are American.

    Thank YOU, Trenton ! I'll be searching for your profile page in our "Member's Page" in the Social Media section of TMV World :cool:

    Edit: The name helped immensely. Thank you again. And I noticed we are on each other "Friend's List" :cool:

    Edit 2 : Still wish Abi would join :rolleyes:

  5. Thank you both Adolph and Rob! :)


    I received an email that you left a comment on my article, "Spotlight Videos and an Invitation", however, it did not show in the article. (???)

    As such, I want to thank YOU for your comment and mention that it's my distinct pleasure to Spotlight you yet again, but I MUST add that you most definitely earned the Honors :D

    Again --- "Freakin SWEET" !!! AWESOME job on THOTF !!!

    Sincere Regards,


  6. Dan, think I still use a tip you gave me for that beginning. Thanks for the words man!

    Phil thank you man :)

    ronws Thanks man!!

    geno knee and David thank you guys!!!

    Adolph I will right away.

    sange and Jabroni First thanks for the words guys. There are of course differences in execution, and Geoff Tate is a monster, I did not do anything other than how I normally would sing except that this song is indeed high. More difficult than what he did, I would not say, I think that different is a better word, if you notice the E5 for example and listen to how he did it and what I am doing, you will see that there is a difference in the registration too.

    Its a strong support but still within whats normal and expected. Makes sense?

    Awesome !!!

    Scheduled for the Spotlight Video beginning September 20, 2014 :cool:

    >> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/profiles/blogs/spotlight-videos-and-an-invitation

  7. Cool !!! :cool:

    I always encourage our forum members to join the Social Media section of TMV World as well. I searched your name to see if YOU had a profile page as well, but couldn't locate you. Unless you're using a different name ??? As such, I sent you an invitation as well. Would also like to see you submit your videos in the Social Media section :D

    I've been following your videos since you've been posting them, and really enjoy your "duets" with Abi ! By all means, encourage her to do so. I'd like to Feature the BOTH of you !!!

  8. Hey Guys!

    Adolf: Thank you very much!!!

    Ronws: LOL. Its not a love song about how it isn't brave to just walk away. Now back to the "LIKE". In order for it to be counted for the competition, it must be on this post. Sooo. can you do it again to the post?:cool:


    Mdew: Thank you so much for trying! ;)

    Thanks guys!

    My pleasure, Gilad :D As Always......:cool:

  9. Hi again everybody! :) As I told, I'm a new user and for this I have a huge luck: for the most of you I'm a 'first impression listening'. That has a very big importance for me: I really wish to have 'first impression feedbacks' from you, about my voice, how it sounds, its tune, the overall impact, and everything comes into your mind. Please feel free to really give me a true feedback: I'm here to learn!!!! So be honest, don't be afraid to hurt me!!!! :)

    Here it is! Hope you'll enjoy.


    SWEET !!!

    HA HA ---- I just checked out your "Kings and Queens" cover on your Facebook page and left you a message on your profile page. Check it out !!! :cool:


  10. I have just purchased destini's CD's, "A Time Forgotten" and "The Dark Masquerade" and was totally impressed. First and foremost, her phenomenal vocals !!! The artwork is great, as well as the mixing and mastering !

    I'm looking forward to buying her new CD as soon as it's available :cool:

    Highly recommended purchases !!! AND, you can't beat the pricing....

    Check out her website :cool:

    I wrote Destini and mentioned that writing testimonials is not one of my strong points.... I think she understands ?

    Finally, I want to thank Destini for all the kindness she has shown to me !!! :D

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