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Posts posted by kalapoka

  1. Hi Andrew, same feedback from here. I didn't find your tone to be too muffled. Its quite nice. Also try what Steven says, standing up will change the sound for sure. Also, being an asian myself, I think there is ever so slight a difference on how we sing English (because its not our first language). So that might also be a reason why your friend says you sound muffled?

    you can check out my reverb page if you have some time: http://www.reverbnation.com/ashiquemfahim

    Keep on singing!


  2. Fahim,

    killer job on your first performance(vocal.) I think "To Be with You" is pretty tough vocally(but that's just me) and you sounded like smoked it(The sound quality could be better obviously.) Look forward to hearing some current songs now that you've been doing some voice work. Cheers.

    Smoked it?! Wow! Thanks for your kind words my friend. I am gathering my couage to post something current as days go by :D. I don't think i am good enough yet!


    Ashique M Fahim




  3. Think the singing is good ;). Evryone say To be with you is easy but not for me lol

    Hehehe yeah man, not for me either. The sudden leaps here and there ('Staaand Up' little girl for example) always gets me :D

    thanks for listening and feedback, brother.

    Ashique M. Fahim




  4. Hi Fahim,

    I see your shoulders tensing up when you are singing the higher notes. I would recommend you get well versed on the foundations of singing. Breathing properly, relaxing the body and the mind. Think of it like playing your guitar. You didn't get to where you're at playing without doing the basics first and then practice, practice practice...right? You are playing the electric very well. Splitting your brain (singing and playing at the same time) takes lots of practice.

    How about picking a song that the band can handle on their own and you just sing it? Get to feel what it's like to be a singer. Don't stop practicing with the guitar but learn one song and just sing. Good project?

    I think you have the raw talent....just develop it like you did for the guitar! :D


    Dear Michele,

    thanks for your analysis and feedback. What you are saying is very true. Since this clip I've actually taken my singing aside and developing that part only, while ofcourse playing the guitar separately (i am an instrumental guitarist, most days of the week :D)

    Thanks for the suggestions!




  5. good tone. Powerful sound, maybe get a bit closer to the mic and cut your sound a little bit to give yourself some more freedom. You may be singing it a bit too hard so it's hard for you to move around vocally. It sounds to me like you're closing your throat on some of the consonants and when you go higher in pitch.

    Sing the song more, and use a mirror to watch the back of your throat and make sure you keep it open! (easier said than done :) heh). Nice job, your guitar playing is awesome, and you have a very pleasant sound.

    Hi man thanks so much for your kind words. I posted this one and another song again in a more recent thread, so it would be great if you can drop by there too! BUt thanks a lot!!!



  6. Hi everyone...

    Am posting two vdo clips from a performance around in mid 2008. This is my first time 'singing' in public so am quite nervous. (before any lessons/practicing/TMV knowledge)

    Let me know what you think!

    TO BE WITH YOU (MR. BIG) - I posted this a few months back, and only Robert was kind to comment and give me a lot of encouragement. Hope others will drop their 2 cents now!


    SUMMER WINE (Nancy & Lee)




  7. Hi David, i support jonpall as well. I, for one, like to hear what other singers are doing and what they are changing and improving and I learn from that. I would read what other members suggest to jonpall and think about it if it applies to me as well. So there's no harm in this. and also, compliments do help a lot for any musician (well any human being) so we are all helping each other here.



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