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Everything posted by Ronron

  1. Ok then, I take your challenge. But this will be awful. Your ears will bleed, if they manage not to utter a vow of deafness for the rest of your life. Especially as today my voice doesn't seem to want to do what I ask it to do. I guess screaming the whole show on wednesday evening was more tiring than it told me actually, throwing it all of balance. I think I'll rest for a week or so starting now. So I took Sweet Child o Mine as a start because it is so high with some so low parts. Let me explain what I did : The first verse + chorus is basically my normal voice when I am this high. I noticed my larynx rising extremely high, but I can't control it yet. Not this high anyway. The second verse + chorus is my horrible falsetto (there is a difference, don't you think, eh ? ). I hate this sound with a passion. The first two " where do we go ?" are a bit lower than my normal speaking voice as far as I can tell, and they venture on fry. To me, it's actually a miracle that I hit the " now " The low Axl's " where do we go ?" are in twanged speaking voice. From the octave or so jump till the end, I use what I think is twang with the former thing I described as falsetto. http://www.4shared.com/audio/16YoDXQr/Sweet_Twang_o_Mine.html And now. If you dare, this is a horrible Wuthering Heights. Based on Angra's version (I feel Kate Bush's is higher ). This is the song I was talking about in my later post. It is an absolutely horrible übertwanged normal high voice. The whole song is a big trouble, my support goes out the window, and can't control the volume in any way whatsoever (it stays soft, but there are jumps here and there) and so on http://www.4shared.com/audio/xgOQYUXM/Wuthering_Twang.html You had been warned ;p And now, I feel compelled to ease the pain with something that is a lil bit better. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a backing track... http://www.4shared.com/audio/sQG_38gi/Wuthering_Heights_2.html This is basically Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush, except it's one octave lower. And there is no twang whatsoever, or it's against my will. I'm absolutely certain that the right amount of rightly done twang is nice, useful and great. The hard part is right, though Wuthering Heights by Angra : By Kate Bush : *finds a hole to hide*
  2. I've tried twang, and I'm not one with the Twang I basically lose it anytime I change pitch radically, or just over time. Same with the note behind the nose when ascending higher than around F4/G4. It also seems to sound horrible, but I have not recorded myself doing it, so maybe it's just me or something. However, and it means a lot to me, as this is the guy that made me want to learn to sing, I had a demonstration of twang this evening at Brandon Flowers' show, here in Paris. And I think I had to use this to be able to hear myself and not strain. Seems better than yelling like there's no tomorrow. I'll try maintaining twang over an entire song, and hear it. Perhaps it's not as awful as I would think. Also, that means that, apparently, I can pull some volume and not blow my folds to pieces. I'll have to think about it, although I'm mostly a quiet guy, I don't mind some strength hehe. I don't know why, but I've always equated volume to pain and danger. [Running out of linking words, insert any here] I tried a song that had me die in frustration a few months ago, and found it was quite easy now. I'm working on it at the original pitch now, and found that twanging like a duck imitating a cackling witch quacking like a duck (yeah, that much) enabled me to hit most of the notes (though hearing me do this makes my ears bleed, I just want to hit the notes right now ). And finally, you have a really open mind, ronws Thank you for your time too !
  3. Thank you very much, ronws. Although hearing you only highlights my shortcomings even more x) You've got so much strength up there. It also strikes me how you, and actually most singers I can think of, can not sound too high this high. I always feel like I sound so very very high compared to them, singing the exact same pitch. It's got to be one of my major frustrations at the moment (with my inability to hit the highest notes of Scom, but this one won't stay too long I hope). Indeed. Seems like a different mindframe is in order. I'll give it a try. Thanks Steven, even if you weren't answering my question ;)
  4. I would love to hear yours ronws And I still find all I did to be quite bad, but I'm going to apply what I said to Nik, and trust you on this. I'll think about your point on leading the music. I tried to be a bit ahead on some takes, but found myself waiting for the beat more often that not. I'm just not comfortable with this, it feels a bit awkward. And I'm not german, though I did study it a bit at school.
  5. Matching the accompaniment is actually waaaaaaay harder than I thought. I seemed to be randomly in advance or late by a half to a full time, even though while recording I felt I was perfectly in time. I think I wait for the music, and I maybe should lead it. After around 12 takes, I actually had enough and stopped. I'll try again sometimes in the future. I was so focused on having the damn thing match perfectly that I'm not even sure I'm on the right pitch. And it didn't match perfectly. I also tried Sweet child o mine. It is very awfully high, so I strain a bit on it. There is a note I can't hit however hard and different I tried (and I tried. 10 times). I even tried falsetto and couldn't get out of this horrible sound, while still unable to hit it. After the 9th time, I stopped for a few hours, came back to it, barely warmed my voice up, and had what I think is my shot at it. Go figure :/ Today I had easily more power, so my crappy microphone is overloaded more than half the time. Apart from changing it, I don't think I can help it. The good news is I think I have a grasp on twang though, but I'm not used to this sound so I tried to stay away from it, as far as I could. And I think I finally understand support a bit better (thanks to VIDEOHERE actually !). Also, I am far far more comfortable with the idea of power. I mean, I haven't exploded yet so it might not be too wrong. All in all, it's pretty awful, but hopefully it'll help me well in the end (thanks to you). Sam's Town : http://www.4shared.com/audio/n30CZdd3/Sams_Town_inst_BAD.html Scom : http://www.4shared.com/audio/c-ZfJtnZ/sweet_child_o_mine.html Now, I'll have to let my folds relax for a few days :p
  6. Well I actually fell in love with this song, so it's more of a humorous way of saying I'd try it sooner than later. There are a few highs I can't hit though, which make me quite sad. Giving my voice a break while I think this whole twang issue through. I may sound a bit competitive, but in effect, I'm not as much as you would think. And while I like Axl's voice, I don't intend on souding like him.
  7. Fine, I accept your challenge ! But be warned, if it's even half as high as it seems to be, it's gonna sound crap, or I'll end up in my horrible horrible horrible falsetto and it's gonna be even crappier. Or I'll finally find that elusive twang. Either or. So. You said it requires volume, is it because, generally speaking, twang requires volume ? If so, it's no wonder I haven't found it yet, even though I've tried doing the witch cackling thing.
  8. A friend of mine is a big fan of guns and roses, so yeah, I heard that song. The guy is just great. She also wanted to hear me singing that, but I said " no way ". But hey, who knows after all ? I'll try it one day.
  9. As I said, it's really not the kind of music I'm used to listening, so I only ever really paid attention to the chorus, and had never noticed it was that high...
  10. Thanks you very much ronws, that means a lot ! I still haven't been able to get my hands on twang yet (or maybe I have but don't know, quite a possibility too). But it'll come one day or another I think. And when I nail it... >;] As far as vowel modifications, I mostly emulate what the singers do, though if I dared say, it seems to come quite naturally. And I guess my "Sam's Town" is kind of like your "Highway to Hell". This very song is the reason why I'm trying to learn how to sing. It has carried me through some hard days. Zut ! I got caught ! I'll certainly keep on going, thanks again.
  11. Hi ronws, I may be sounding happier because, well, I was happy to be able to sing in a way that I found correct. That is, hitting mostly the right notes, without feeling strain, and without sounding like a castrated little girl on the high notes, which is a big novelty for me. Anyway, I'm note quite functional on the interpretation part yet. Today was a good day overall, so I tried what you asked. I'm not sure however if it's " full volume " or whatever. Volume scares me. It definitely *felt* easier, and it definitely was louder. All in all, I'm happy about what I did. I did need 5 tries, though, as there was always something wrong. Like " Oh I might overload the mic, let's put it farther away !" Oh well, not at all. The Cross 2 : http://www.4shared.com/audio/FhnpTi0f/The_Cross_2.html Also, as I was feeling lucky, I DID try Sam's Town at what I believe the original pitch lies. It is a bit louder, but I don't know, the song calls for it : http://www.4shared.com/audio/A-52RhE1/Sams_Town.html I would be very thankful if somebody told me if this is the right pitch or not. Hopefully I got it right ! Otherwise, well I'll try again. Also, I will try playing around with Audacity, as you suggested (Sam's Town by the Killers : )
  12. (Personal preference : I like your lighter voice better) What Quincy said, plus the ee sound (as in me) seems to throw you out of balance. You might want to try modifying a bit towards an eh too (although someone more expert than me may say otherwise, in which case, listen to him/her ). You don't seem to feel at ease with this way of singing, but it should feel better in a few days.
  13. Your second take sounds better overall, to me at least. Your mic also seems less overloaded. I find it a bit sad that your vowels aren't all that understandable, but high up there, well, it's hard. I like the power of your voice, I wish I could duplicate it It's not quite the kind of songs I listen to, but after a first contact that was a bit like " What is this ?" I actually like it. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you though.
  14. Hello, Please allow me to embarass your eyes and ears for a minute or 2 (actually I think it's nearly 5, but if you stick with me for a minute it'll be great anyway). At the end of this post, you will find a link to me trying to sing The Cross (By Within Temptation, the acoustic version specifically). Now on to the excuses (so that I will be able to say " You were warned that it was bad " ) : I presently am in a student house, so I don't feel like going loud at all (It's horrible enough to stand my vocal experimentations, after all). Also, my voice is tired, hence the kinda breathy tone, at least that was the feeling I had while recording. I'm also singing over Within Temptation. I use Audacity, but have no clue as to how the darn thing might work, so you'll only hear me, and no music (I couldn't play any instrument to save my life, anyway). My microphone actually is a headthing you use to talk over the internet, like for skype, listen to music, or coordinate in mmo s. I don't know how it's called but you will hear some " wind ", unfortunately. I did have a small warm up before. The Cross is one of my favorite song from this band. A few months ago, it was a struggle, couldn't raise the pitch to match the increase at the end. Nowadays, it's better (I can only thank you for this !). I know I have missed some notes (especially at the end) and wasn't always right on time, but I really did not feel like I'd do another take, as roommates where coming back from their trips in the city Within temptation's Cross (hopefully Youtube won't be mean and allow you to see it !) : My Cross (hopefully you won't end deaf hearing it ! Actually you might need to increase the volume to hear something) : http://www.4shared.com/audio/JH8yrs3E/The_Cross.html (again, I talk too much ) *hits submit and hides shamefully*
  15. There is potential, yes. I like your vibrato. But it was, I think, too low for you.
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